1. Ranjit    D.    Udeshi    v.    State   of   Maharashtra    AIR   1965    SC    881.


  1. Samaresh Bose  v.  Amal  Mitra  (1985)  4  SCC  289.


  1. Miller v.  California  413  US  15  (1973).


  1. Director      General,      Directorate      General      of     Doordarshan      v.      Anand Patwardhan &   Anr 1996                      (8)     SCC 433.
  2. Ajay  Goswami  v.  Union  of  India  AIR  2007  SC  493.


  1. Maqbool    Fida Hussain v.                 Raj    Kumar Pandey      Crl.            Revision Petition       No. 114/2007.
  2. State   of   Tamil     Nadu    v.    Suhas    Katti,    2004.


  1. State   of   Tamil    Nadu    v.    Dr.    L.    Prakash    2002    Cri   L    J    2596.


  1. Wilhelmus                                     Weijdeveld                              v.                             India, 2009./article/20110527/ARTICLE/305279 912/1028.
  2. Avinash      Bajaj       v.      State      (NCT)       of      Delhi      (2005)       3      CompLj 364 Del,     116 (2005) DLT427,                    2005  (79)  DRJ 576.
  3. Ritu Kohli  Case.


  1. Manubhai   Shah    v.    Life    Insurance    Corp.   of   India,    [1992]    3   SCC    637.


  1. Shreya    Singhal    v.    Union    of    India    MANU/SC/0329/2015.


  1. Sakal    Papers    (P)     Ltd.    &    Ors.    v.    Union    of    India,    [1962]    3    S.C.R. 842.
  2. Romesh    Thappar    v.    The    State    of    Madras,    1950    AIR    124,1950    SCR 594.
  3. Bennett      Coleman      &     Co.     &     Ors.     v.     Union     of     India     &     Ors., [1973]         2      S.C.R. 757 at               829.
  4. S. Khushboo  v.  Kanniamal  &  Anr.,  (2010)  5,  SCC  600.


  1. Vinod Kaushik  &  another  v.  Nidhi  Joshi.


  1. Google       Inc.      v.       Agencia       Espanola       de      Proteccion       de      Datos, Mario      Costeja Gonzalez Case.
  2. Ambikesh      Mahapatra      &      another      v.      State     of     West      Bengal      & others,      [2015] SCC CAL631(71).
  3. Anvar P.V.  v.  P.K.  Basheer  MANU/SC/0834/2014.


  1. Dharambir     v.     Central    Bureau     of    Investigation     MANU/DE/0392/2008.


  1. Rishi       Narula        Vs.        The        State        Nct       of       Delhi       and        Ors. MANU/DE/5313/2016.
  2. Sharat       Babu       Digumarti       v.      State,      Govt.      of      NCT       of      Delhi MANU/DE/ 2615/2015.
  3. K.A.  Abbas  v.  Union  of  India  and  Anr  AIR  1971  SC  481.


  1. Chandrakant     Kayandas     Kakodar     vs     The     State    of    Maharashtra      1970 AIR       1390
  2. Aveek    Sarkar    v.    State   of   West    Bengal    (2014)    4    SCC    257.


  1. Bobby    Art     International    &    Ors.     v.     Ompal    Singh    Hoon     (1996)    SC 1846,
  2. State   of   Maharashtra    v.    Joyce    Zee    alia    Temiko     77    Bom.    L.R.    218.





AIR :                                      All    India    Reports


ASP :                                      Access    Service    Provider


BBEA                                     :          Banker's Books  Evidence  Act


BSNL                                     :          Bharat    Sanchar    Nigam    Limited


CDA:                                      Communication    Decency    Act,    US


CrPC                                       :          Criminal    Procedure    Code,    1972


CCC :                                      Cyber Crime  Cell


CBI :                                      Central    Bureau    of    Investigation


CCRC                                     :          Computer    Crime    Research    Centre


CERT                                      :          Computer     Emergency    Response    Team


CFAA                                     :          Computer Fraud  and  Abuse  Act


CrLJ :                                      Criminal     Law    Journal


CMA                                       :          Computer    Misuse     Act


DCT :                                      Digital     Communication     Technology


DMCA:                                   Digital    Millennium    Copy    Right    Act,    us


DPA :                                      Data Protection  Act


EU    :                                      European    Union


EA    :                                      Electronic Attack


ECPA                                     :          Electronic     Communications     Privacy    Act


EDI :                                      Electronic    Data    Interchange


EFT :                                      Electronic     Funds    Transfer


FBI :                                      Federal    Bureau    of    Investigation


FTP :                                      File Transfer  Protocol


HC  :                                      High Court


HTML:                                    Hypertext    Markup    Language


ICT :                                      Internet     Communication    Technology


IPC  :                                      Indian Penal  Code


IT   Act                                   :          Information    Technology     Act


ICCPR:                                   International Covenant   on   Civil   and   Political


IEA :                                      Indian   Evidence    Act


IO     :                                      Information    Operation


IP     :                                      Internet Protocol


ISP   :                                      Internet    Service    Provider


LGBT                                     :          Lesbian, Gay,  Bisexual,  Transgender


LAN:                                      Local    Area    Network


LR    :                                      Law Reporter


MMS                                       :          Multimedia    Messaging     Service


MPSNS    :                              Multipurpose     Social    Networking    Sites


MNOs    :                                Mobile     Network    Operators


No.  :                                      Number


NIPC                                      :          National    Infrastructure    Protection    Centre


NEFT                                      :          National    Electronics    Funds    Transfer


OLPT                                      :          Online     Transaction    Processing


POCSO  Act    :                     Protection     of       Children          from        Sexual         Act, 2012

PC    :                                      Personal    Computer


PICS:                                      Platform    for    Internet    Content    Selection


PKI :                                      Public     Key    Infrastructure


PNC :                                      Police     National    Computer


RBI :                                      Reserve    Bank    of   India


RIPA                                      :          Registration    of    Investigatory    Powers    Act


RTGS                                      :          Real    Time     Gross    Settlement


SC    :                                      Supreme Court


SCC :                                      Supreme court  Cases


Sch  :                                      Schedule


SIM :                                      Subscriber     Identity   Module


SMS :                                      Short    Message    Service


SNWS    :                                Social    Networking    Sites


SET :                                      Secure    Electronic    Transfer


TELNET    :                            Telecommunication     Network


TRAI                                      :          Telecom    Regulatory    Authority    of    India







“Technology  is  a  queer  thing.   It       brings    you    great    gift    with    one hand,    and it stabs you in the back with the other”

- Carrie  P.  Snow



Human being  is  a  social  animal,  the  inherent  nature  of human being is that , he needs  personal safety,   it   includes   security   of life,  liberty  and  property,  is  of  utmost  important  to   any   individual. Maintenance of  peace  and order  is  need  of every developed   society.   It is  possible  only  in  state  where   the   penal   law   is   strong   and   effective and  enough  to   deal   with   every   situation.   The   society   and   its   needs changes with  the  time,  therefore  the  criminal  law  is  required  as  per  the situation.  Thus,  the  prime   object   of   Criminal   law   is   the   protection   of public  by   the   maintenance   of   law   and   order   in   every  situation   even   in the information technology age.

Information  Technology  has   brought   a   drastic   change   in the   human   life.    Human   intelligence   has   advances    the   life   as   easy   way of communication, commerce, business and  the   banking   also.   The   progress of civilization, as evidenced by the ever- changing  information  technology, easily accessible  by  use  of  computers  was,  no  doubt  put  to  use  for improvement  in  living  standard   of   human   being.   Information   technology made  improvements  in  every  aspect  of   human   life   as   like   education, industry,  commerce,  governance,  personal   life   style   and   social   life   around the world.

The  information  technology   is   very   useful   to   the   human life, which has made an  impact  on  the  social  structure  of  the  society. Especially  the   Indian   culture   is   quite different   but   the   information technology has connected the people. The social cites makes the platform


to the nonprofessional to  share  their  view,  but   along  with   the   good impacts of  it,  certain  adverse   effect   can   be   seen   by   the   information   technology. The  privacy  is  going  to  violate   by   the   cyber   criminals,   it   create   certain new   mode   to   commit   the   existing   crime,   when   the    cyber    space    is going to be used for committing the crime.


Development  changes  the  life  style   of   human   being   but   the   human   nature did  not  change.  Human  ingenuity   has   also   use   the   technology   for committing technology. Crime is   a   social   and   economic   phenomenon   and is  as  old  as  the  human  society.  Crime  is  a  legal   concept   and   has   the sanction  of  the  law.   Crime   or   an   offence   is   “a   legal   wrong   that   can be  followed  by  criminal   proceedings   which   may   result   into   punishment.” The  hallmark  of  criminality   is   that,   it   is   breach   of   the   criminal   law. As per Lord Atkin “the criminal quality of  an   act   cannot   be   discovered by reference to any standard but one: is the act prohibited  with  penal consequences”.  A  crime  may   said   to   be   any   conduct   accompanied   by act  or  omission  prohibited  by  law  and  consequential  breach   of   which   is visited  by  penal  consequences.  Cyber  crime  is  the   latest   and   perhaps   the most  complicated  problem  in  the  cyber   world.   “Cyber   crime   may   be said  to  be  those  species,  of  which,   genus   is  the  conventional   crime,  and where either  the  computer   is   an   object   or   subject   of   the   conduct constituting  crime.”  “Any  criminal   activity   that   uses   a   computer   either   as an instrumentality, target or a means for  perpetuating  further  crimes  comes within the ambit of cyber crime”.



Cyber  crime  is  an  evil  having  its  origin  in  the  growing  dependence  on computers in modern life. In a  day  and  age  when  computers  are  running everything   from   microwave   ovens   and   refrigerators    to    nuclear    power plants,  cyber  crime  has  assumed   rather   sinister   implications.   The   evil   of cyber  crime  is  product  of  the  technology  but   the   basic   nature   of   human being   is   the   same   and   one.   Therefore,   the   technology   is   the   easy   way to perform the act, which is against the law. The term cyber space is


new.  However,  it   creates   the   new   modes   operands   for   committing   the crime or an illegal act by using the means of computer.

The internet is a technical development gives  us  all opportunity  to  act  as  global   community.   Internet   and   electronic   based treading  affect   all   aspects   of   business.   The   information   technology revolution   is   creating   new   business   and   forgoing   old   one    to    either change  or  die.  The  traditional  legal  systems  have   a   great   difficulty   in keeping  peace  with  the  rapid  growth  of  the   internet   and   its   impact throughout  the  world.  Telephone  (though   invented   by   Bell)   it   gives   easy way    of    communication,    which    is    more     effective     than     the conventional   form   of   communication.   An   internet    or    network    of computers can operate without the constraints of space, state borders etc.

Cyber  crime,  which  ramped  in  society  in  the  recent   years,   the   main cause  is  the  easy  access  to   the   internet.   By   using   the   computer   and internet,   the   person   can   commits  the  crime  as  like  fraud,  forgery,   stealing the important data, pornography and related offences, which  are  nothing,  but relating  to   the   offences   outraging   the   modesty of   the   woman.   These offences   recognize   as   a   cyber   crime    but   they   are   conventional    crime only  the  tools  are  change.  The  Indian  legal  system   has   enacted   the Information Technology Act 2000 and Information Technology  Amendment Act.  2008,  which  recognized  as  a  cyber  law  in   India.   However,   the provisions,   which   are   provided   in    the   said   act,   are   more   concern   with the business and less with the cyber crime.



Cyber  crime   is   not   different   from   the   conventional   crime.   However,   the tool   has   been   changed   so    it   requires    different    tools   for   investigation. The   basic   intention   behind  the   cyber   crime   is   nothing  but   wrongful   gain or wrongful loss or  it   may  result in   defraud   someone,   which   is   the   base of the conventional crime as like the   theft   and criminal   misappropriation or   fraud.   Therefore,   the   cyber   crime   is   not   different   from    the conventional crime and subject to the regular criminal law of India.




The    state    in

present    era    is    welfare    state,    its    first    and    foremost    duty


to     maintain

peace     and    security.     Effective    criminal     law    is    required


maintain    the

peace and     security.     So    for    as    the    Indian    Legal     system


concern   Indian   penal   Code   is   universal   criminal    law,    which    almost covers  the  crime,   relating   to   all   aspect.   Apart   from   this,   the   various special   laws   are   enacted   considering   the   need   by   the    Indian    legal system. The Indian Penal  code  cover  all  the  crimes  as  contended  the conventional  crime,   and   for   the   execution   of   this   law,   effective investigation  is  required,  and  therefore  the  Criminal   procedure   code1   deals with   the   investigation   and powers   to   investigate.    Execution    of    criminal law is much more depends on the effective investigation.

The investigation of conventional crime as like theft, extortion, Criminal misappropriation, cheating is subject to  the  conventional  procedure  of investigation, the object of these all offences is nothing but the wrongful

gain     or    wrongful     loss.     For this,



criminal’s       tries



different     way      to     commit      the



crop     agencies



acquainted  with  different  ways  to  commit  the  crime,   otherwise   the investigation hamper and the effect of criminal law will lack.

The  criminals  may   always   change   the   way   to   commit the  crimes,  though  the  object  is  similar,  and  therefore,  it  is   not   require enacting   the   special   laws   for   those    crimes.   The   cyber   crime,   known   as the   crime   of   21st   century,   but   the   object   of   the   cyber   criminals,   is nothing  but  wrongful  gain  or  wrongful   loss,   or   in   certain   cases   with intention  to  devaluate   the   things   or   defame.   Only   they   use   different   tools as like computer, internet.




The  criminals   may   always   change   the   way   to   commit   the   crimes,   though






1 Guide to cyber Laws, Rodney D. Ryder,(2003) Wadhwa Nagpur, Page 2.


the  object  is  similar,  and  therefore,   it   is   not  require   enacting   the  special laws  for  those  crimes.  The  cyber   crime,   known   as   the   crime   of   21st century,  but   the   object   of   the   cyber  criminals,   is   nothing   but   wrongful gain or wrongful loss, or in certain cases  with intention  to  devaluate  the things   or   defame.   Only   they   use   different   tools   as    like    computer, internet. Therefore, the investigative machineries require expert knowledge.

Aims And   Objects:



The   law   changes   from   time   to   time.   The   criminal   law of  India  has  also  developed  with  the  changing  of  the  time.   The   law   is subject to the changing situation of the society.  Recently  the  amendment takes place in the Indian Penal   Code   in   2013, which   drastically    change the  definition  of  the   certain   crime.   Somewhere   the   provisions   that   is suitable  to  prevent  the  crime,   which   is   going   to   be   committed   by   using the  technology,  such  as   the   Indian   Penal   Code   sec   354(D)   which   deals with the Stalking.

The  research  intends  to   do   comparative   study   of   the cyber  crime  and  Indian  criminal  law.  Whether  conventional   criminal   law having  sufficient  provision  to  control  and  prohibit   the   cyber   and   new technical  crime,   Indian   Penal   Code   is   well   recognizes   universal   code, which   cover    almost    all   kinds   of   crime   and   criminal   acts,    then   which are  the  provision  in   Indian   Penal   code   cover   the   aspect   of   the   cyber crime. What is the relation of cyber crime and   criminal   law   of   India,   is it needs certain amendment along with the Information Technology Act.

Cyber crime  is  technical  crime  it  need  not  require  other aspect   of   crime   as   like the   conventional,   the   culprit   can    commit   such crime   from   any   place   at   any   time.   Due to   this    aspect    whether    the present criminal law of India including the procedural   and substantive   law is sufficient to curb  and  control  the  cyber  crime.  However,  so  far  the investigation whether the  present  laws  are  sufficient  or  certain  special investigation  machinery   is   require   that   is   object   of   the   research.   It   is intend to find out the present laws and it utility to control the cyber


crime     as    well     as    to    see    the    nexus    between     the    conventional     criminal law and Cyber law and make the comparative study.

Following are  the  objective  of  research:



  1. To    observe     the    provision     of    Indian    criminal     law    and    the    relevant provisions which   cover   the  offences like cyber crimes.
  2. To  make               the       study      of     cyber      law      including      I     T      Act      and the        relevant          Penal provisions pertaining to cyber crime.
  3. To  make the         comparative               study    of     conventional      Criminal     law     of Indian        and cyber crime and laws relating to cyber crime

To   find   out   the    shortcoming   of    the    laws    pertaining to cyber crime including the procedural laws  i.e.  The  Code  of  Criminal Procedure and Indian Evidence Act.

Significance   of   Topic   of    Research:



Carrie P. Snow rightly said that  the  technology  gives  a wonderful  gift  to  you   by  one  hand  and  stop  you  by  another  hands.  The present criminal law is in  developed stage  but  the   law   behaves   like   a Hindu  traditional  wife,  which   is   behind   the   seven   steps   from   the technology.   The   technology   developed   in   such   a   way   that   it    now essential part of the life  and  therefore  the  present  law  is  facing  various challenges.

Crime and  criminal  law  is  not  statistic,  it  changes  from place to place and time to  time,   but   there   are   certain   crimes,   which   are as  it  is  but  the  way   of   committing   it   has   drastically   undergone   change. Due   to   the   changing   facets   of   the   society,   the   laws also   require   to change its facets.

Along   with   the   unique   opportunities,   the   internet   offers it  is  also  poses  new  and  significant  ways  to  do  the  cyber   crime.   Most existing laws and enforcement system  designed  to  address  fraudulent  and deceptive commercial practices. The current laws and systems are therefore


not always adequate to control the cyber  crime. Another  challenge  is  the diverse  legal  system  worldwide,  with   different   laws   enforcement   procedure and  role  for  judicial  authority  and   varying   reliance   on   Civil   Criminal and cyber laws.

The  concept  of  cyber  crime  is  product  of  internet society, the cyber crimes are subject  of  the  conventional  crime   but   the modus  operandi  is  new  that’s  why  the  conventional  criminal  law   are insufficient  to  probe   it.   Therefore,   it   requires   the   new   themes   to  control the cyber crime.

In Indian legal system the conventional investigation machinery  investigate  the  cyber  crime,  The  I  T  Act  has   introduce   some special bureau for investigation but  it also  works  as  like  conventional  crop agency.



Literature    Review:



The development of every  country  is  depends  on  the  legal system of the state. Now a   day,   Criminal   law   has   well   developed,    but the  need  and  situations  are  always changes  in  every   country,   so   it   is necessary to the country to develop the  criminal   law as   per   the   situation. In 20th century, the World  is  called  as  a  cyber  world.  The  information technology  is  very   much   developed   in   present   days.   Internet   is   the essential  part   of   the   human   beings   life   today.   Internet   make   the   world a   globe,   which bring   with   it   the   misuse   of   the   computer    means    the cyber  crime.  Cyber  crime  is  inevitable  but  the  highly   educated   person generally   commits   it.   To   prevent   the   cyber crime   every   country   made cyber  laws.  Indian  legal   system   also   enacted   the   Information   Technology Act 2000. However, it is more business law than the cyber law.



The present research is  undertaken  by  researcher  to  analysis  the  cyber  law, its investigation,    and                               its      comparative             study    with    conventional     crime.     The


researcher adopted doctrinal research methodology  and  hence  gone  through primary and                 secondary  data   to  complete               this research work.



  1. Indian  Penal  Code-  Ratanlal   &   Dhirajlal   Wadhwa,   Publication Nagpur 29th edition 2003

This book is well known  in  criminal  law,  the  author  is renowned   writer   in   criminal   law.   The   first   chapter    of    the   book   deals title   and   extent,   in   this   chapter   the   author   rightly   discussed   the   concept of  crime  and  the  development  of  the  criminal  law in  India.  This   book discussed   all   the   provisions   of   penal   law.   The   author   tries   to    describe the each section  along  with  the  landmark  judgments,  which  help  the  reader to  understand  the  interpretation  of   the   section.   This   book   helps   the researcher  to  understand  the  criminal   law   in   Indian   legal   system.   It   is useful  to  see  the  content  of  the  conventional   crime   and   that   can   be compared with the cyber crime.


  1. PSA  Piliai’s  Criminal  Law  –   Dr.  K.I.  Vibhute



The  author  of  this  book  is  well  known  in  research  and former head of the Law Department of  Pune  University,   the   book   deals with the conventional criminal law  or Indian  Penal  code.   All   the   offences are  discussed  in  detail   along   with   its   ingredients   and   the   commentary   in the  section  gives  the  central  idea  of  the  said  section.   While   reading  the section  from   the   book,   we   can   easily   understand   the   nature   of   the sections object of the lawmaker. The research  work  of  the  book   regarding the  references  guides  the   new  researcher,   how   to  refer  the   books  and  the case laws while writing.

  1. Criminal Law:  cases  and  material  –  K.  D.  Gaur



This   book   of   criminal   law   deals   with   the   principles         of criminal                  law.    To    understand    the    principles     of    criminal     law,    it    must    be


understood  the  basic  thing  on  which  criminal  law  is   based,   which   is necessary   to   understand.   The   author   of   this   book   is   well    known   writer in  the  subject  of  criminal  law.   The   book   deals   with   criminal   law   along with   its   principles.   The   title   itself   suggests   that    the    principles    of criminal law  are  discussed  along  with  the  landmark  cases.  Generally,  the codified    laws    are   not   having   much   impact   of   the   case   laws.   Because the criminal must  be  specific  otherwise  it  will  be  just  chaos,  the  author emphasis this thing.



While  discussing  the  Indian  Penal  code,  the  author  discusses   the   basic principles  behind   the   section,   in   simple   the   base   of   that   section.   The author discussed the criminal law  in  such  a   manner,   that   the   base   of criminal  law  can  be  studies   from   this   book.   Though   the   society   changes time   by   time,   it   needs    changes    but    the    basic    things   of   criminal   law are almost similar.



  1. Judicial   Jurisdiction   in   transnational   cyber    space-    Bimal    Raut. New Era Law Publication, Delhi (2004)

This  book  is   best   research   in   the   era   of   the   cyber law.  This  is  the   research   on   the   problem   of   the   jurisdiction   in   cyber crime. The peculiar character of cyber crime it that,  it  can  be   committed from   any   corner   of   the   world,   which   affect   to   a   person   who is   in another  corner  of  the   world.   Now   the   problem   of   jurisdiction   may   arise, for    talking   legal   action   against   that   person   which   law   can   be   applies. For  this   issue,   the   author  has   discussed   all  the   relevant  laws,  section  and the  international   convention.   In conventional   crime   and   criminal   law,   the land   laws   regulate   the   crime    and    having    power    to    control    and    curb it. However, in cyber crime the problem of jurisdictions

arises.  This  book  help  to  understand  the   problem   of   jurisdiction   in   cyber crime and the solution which   international   community   has   tries   to   provide is discussed by the author.


The  author   discuss   the   cyber   law   from   all   angle,   its   inanition,   how business law turn in towards the information  technology,  then  historical development of cyber crime law , international perspective  of  cyber  crime and cyber law. It discuss making of  Information  and  Technology  Act.  The book deals with the first cyber law in  India, which  enacted  in  2000.  The book  is  useful  to   the   researcher   to   get   the  basic   concept   oficyber   crime and cyber law.



  1. Guide  to  Cyber  Law  –  Rodney  D.  Ryder  (second  Edition  2003) Wadhwa Publication Nagpur

This  book  is  the  complete   guide   on   the   cyber   crime. 20th   century   is   the   century   of   information   technology.    Now    we    are living  in  cyber  world.  Initially  this   technology   is   going   to   use   for commercial purpose, but  now  a  day  a   common   person is   connected   to the  cyber   world   for   his   regular   life,   therefore   the   cyber   law  is   also   part of  the  life  of   common   man.   The   book   deals   with   the   entire   development of  the  cyber space  and  cyber  world.  The   author   discussed   how   the international   community   has   started   to   recognize   the   online   communication in the business transaction and the regulation of the transaction.



How  the   international   community   has   meet   on   the   issue   of   this internet  transaction,  the   first   International   convention   on   the   online transaction  has  discussed  by  the   author.   The   author   discussed   the International  perspective  of  cyber  law,  then  all   the   important   convention, which  takes  place  on  the  issue   of   internet.   Then   how   the   UNCITRAL model  of  the  law  on  the   internet   is   also   discusses.   It   discusses  making ofithe  Information   Technology   Act   2000   and   the   important   provisions   of it along with the commentary. The book is useful to the researchers.



  1. Cyber   law   and   crime   –   Barkha   U   Ram   Mohan    (Asia    Law House) Hyd.3rd edition.2011



The  author   of   the   book   is   a   practicing   advocate   in   A.   P.   High   Court. The author discusses  the  cyber  law  and  crime  in  view  of  Information Technology Act.  While  discussing  the  cyber  crime  the  author  discuss  the process of search and seizer. In   simple,   the   book   deals   with   the procedural aspect of investigation of the cyber

crime  and  the  relevant  provision   of   the   law.   This   kind   of   books   helps the  research  to deals  with  the  practical  problem  in  the   cyber   crime investigation and the difficulty in the cyber crime investigation.



  1. Cyber  crime  –Law  &Policy  and  perspectives-   Dr.   Mrs.K.Sita Manikyam (Hind Law House) 2009 Edition

This book  is  useful  to  understand  the  relation  of  technology and law. The book is contented in   10th   part,   the   first   part    deals    with the   technology   and   the   use   of   technology   in   the    life    of    common people.   Then   the    author    discusses    how    the    misuse    of    technology affects     the     right     of     individual     as     like     the     right     of     privacy. Now interfering  in  the  privacy  of  person   by   using   the   technology   of computer  is  amount  to the  cyber   crime.   In   next   part   of   the   book,   the author discussed the conceptual analysis of the cyber crime.



The   book   deals   with   specific   cyber   crime,   and   investigation   of   cyber crime.  Cyber  crime  investigation  is  now  a  complex  issue  before  the investigation machinery due to lack  of  knowledge.  The  author  gives  the processes  and  the  solutions  on  the   problem   regarding   the   investigation. Lastly,  the   author   discussed   the   problem   of   jurisdiction   of   the   cyber crime;   therefore,   the   book   is   useful   which   gives   the   central    idea   of cyber crime and policy and perspective of the cyber crime.



  1. Criminal     Procedure     Code    –    S.C.    Sarkar     (Indian     Law    House)New


Delhi 8th edi 2004.


This  book   deals  with  the  procedural   aspect   in  the  criminal  law.   Cyber  crime is subject of state and the proper  investigation   needs  to  protect  the  society from the said crimes. The   Information   technology   Act   is    quite   business law  and  the  offences  are  subject  to  general  investigation   by   the   same agencies.   This   book   deals   with   the    procedural   aspect   in   conventional crime so it is useful to the researcher.



  1. Cyber   Law   Cyber   Crime   Internet   And   E-Commerce-   Prof. Vimlendu Tayal , Bharat Law Publication, Jaipur. First Pub. 2011

This  book  is   the   collection   of   the   various   articles   by the  expert  on  the   cyber   law   and   related   subject.   It   is   great   collection on  the  cyber  law  and  cyber  crime.  This  book  provides  the  information regarding  the  jurisdiction  and  related   concept   of   the   cyber   crime.   Apart from  this,  the   different   author   discusses   the   cyber   crime   and   the   cyber law   in   different   facets.   This   helps   the   researcher   to   understand   the concept of

the cyber crime and the  practical  problems.  It  discusses  the  Information Technology Act 2000 and the related issue.









Indian Criminal law is now well developed; so for as investigation of crime is concern, various new  methods  are  going  to  be followed by the investigation machinery. However, in  recent  era  due  to globalization and drastic development in the Information and  Technology  and internet  the  new  challenges  are  come  before  the   legal   system   that   is   of cyber crime. Internet and its easy access is the main reason behind the


cyber  crime.  In   1978   the   concept   of   internet   was   emerge   and   in   1989, the foundation of World Wide Web    (WWW)   takes   place.   Internet    user has   significantly   increased   over   the   past   few   years   in   India.   When internet  was  first   developed,   the   originators   never   thought   about   that internet  could  transform  into  a  useful  communication  tool   and   could   be misuse for criminal activities and which require monitoring.

Use  of   Internet   to   commit   the   crime   is   punishable   by the criminal law. Cyber crime is  nothing  but  the  subject  of  conventional criminal  law   but   what   development   takes   place   regarding   the   Internet, which leads to cyber crime but  the  criminal  law  has not  amended   in   such a  way  that  is  why   the   problem   of   cyber   crime   is   increase   and   need certain appropriate measures to curb it.

So   for   the   study    of    criminal    law    and    cyber    crime    following hypothesis



  • Cyber crime  is  subject  matter  of  the  conventional  criminal  law.



  •       Cyber      crime      and     conventional      crime      are     not     different     but     the way      oficommitting  the          crime   in  cyber   crime      is different
  •        Cyber    crime     is    expansion     of    the    conventional     crime,     to    control     it certain       new policies are required.
  • There is  close  relation  between  cyber  law  and  criminal  law



  • Cyber crimes  more  spread  due  to  lacunas  in  the  investigation  process



  •        New  substantive  laws  are  not  required  but  procedural  laws  must  be amended and expert investigation  machinery  and  adjudicatory  authority  must be appoint for controlling the cyber crime.
  •        To  control  cyber   crime   special   investigation   force   must   be   need   and the  present  investigation  authority  need  the   assistant   of   the   expert   in law and computer.



Research   Methodology:



Considering the aims and objectives of the research the methodology   is   adopted   literature   review   and   research   through   accessing hard copy and  electronic  libraries  has  the  main  source  of  collection  of information   and   data.   Primary   source   ofimaterials   are   the    present    statute for the crime and the cyber  law.   For   the   research   the laws   regarding cyber  crime  and   conventional   crime   in   India   and   Its   amendment   is   the main source.

The  other  sources  are  concerns  that  are  nothing  but  Indian  Apex  courts Judgment  and  the   High   court   judgment   are   also   the   source   of   the research.   The   courts view   regarding   the   cyber   crime   has    to   see.    The main part of research  is  to  see  the  similarities  and  differences  in  the conventional  criminal  law  and  cyber  crime   by   analyzing   the   Statute   of Indian Legal System.

The  data  collected  from  the  different  sources  has  been  compared,   which provides the results in all means for the research subject.








The  concept  of  crime  is  not  a  modern   one   but   it   has   been   existing from  time  immemorial.   However,   time   to   time,   the   concept   and   nature of crimes have changed. In addition, the definition of  crimes  has  been changed accordingly.  In  the  era  of  20th  century  and  with  the  advent  of computer,   the   criminals   have   changed   the   mode    of    committing    the crimes from  conventional  methods  to  computer  based  methods.  The  first recorded   cyber   crime   took   place   in   the   year   1820!    That    is    not surprising considering the fact that  the   abacus,   which   is   thought   to   be the  earliest  form  of   a   computer,   has   been   around   since   3500   B.C.   in India,   Japan   and   China..2   Indian   legal system   is   now   in    a   developed stage. Indian  Legal  system  is  enacting  the  law  along  with  the  changing situation.  As  Prof.  Allen  has  rightly  contented   that,   the   law   is   not   only deals  with  command   but   is   something  more.  This  view  shows   that  the  role of law is broader than the command. This   role   of   law   is   more   relevant in the present situation.  The  criminal  law  closely  connected  with  the  each member of the society. In the age of information   technology,   cyber   law is  need  of  hours.  The  cyber   law   means   the   law   relating   to   the   cyber crime.


















2 last access on dated APRIL 2023 at 8.00 am.



A  person  seating  in  any  corner  of   the   world   can   communicate   to   other person without disclosing his identity.  Due  to   this   nature   of   internet,   it raised   various   challenges  not  only  to   the   government  but  also  to  the   trade and individual of the entire world. Therefore,      the   legal   system   awakens and   required   to   make   certain   legislations to   protect   the   interest   of   the entire  society.  Therefore,   this   new   branch   of   law   is   emerged,   because the  conventional  procedure  to  prevent  the  crime  is  useless  for  offences committed through  the  computer  or  internet.  The  rules  and  regulation,  which deals   with   the   cyber   space   internet   and   its   regulation,   are   subject   matter of the cyber laws.



Until 1999, India did  not  have  any  legislation  to  govern  the  cyber  space. However,  due  to  the   development   in   communication   and   e-commerce, internet   makes impact   on   the   cyber   world.   This   compel   to   the   legal system  to  enact   the   rules   to   govern   the   cyber   space.   Due   to   the   huge use  of   internet,   some   alert   nations   of   the   world   formulate   the   policy. India  is  one  of  the  nations  among  them.  Indian   legal   system   introduced certain  enactment  and  amendment   in   criminal   laws,   which   can   called  a cyber  law.  However,  cyber  crime  is   not   different   than   the   conventional crime, but it need certain new policies to  regulate  and  control  the  cyber world.

    1. Concept of   Cyber   crime



The  term  cyber  crime  is   nowhere   defined,   this   concept   is   vary   because the  crime  which  is  going  to  committed  by  using   any   means   of communication or internet can be called  as  a   cyber   crime.   The   misuse   of the   computer   or   the   internet   is    not    specific    therefore,    it    is    not possible to define the cyber crime specifically. To

understand  the  concept   of   cyber   crime,   it   is   necessary   to   see   the   concept of crime, which is, attach with the computer and the internet. The


concept  of  cyber  crime  is  not radical  different  from  the   concept   of conventional  crime.  Both   include   the   conduct   whether   act   or   omission which causes breach of rules of law and counterbalance by the state3.

In  initial  period,  the   crime   is   quite   different   and   depends   on   the   will   of the sovereign authority. Now a days the  crime  is  a  social  and  political phenomenon  and  it is  as  old  as  the  human  society  Along  with   the development,  the   concept   of   the   crime   is   legal   and   back   by   sanction. Now  crime  means  a  legal  wrong.  Initially  it  is   somewhere   the   religions wrong  when  the  religious   institutions   were   powerful.   There were   no difference  between  sin   and   crime.   However,   along   with   the   development of  State,   the   concept   of   sin   was   diluted   and   the   sin   or   wrongful   act term   in   to   a   wrongful act.   This   wrongful   act   now   turns   in   to    the concept  of  crime  or  offence.  According  to  Granville  Williams,   crime   or offence  is  a  legal  wrong   that   can   be   followed   by   criminal  proceeding, which may result into punishment. The basic   thing  in  criminality is   that,   it is a violation of criminal law.



The  cyber  crime,  which   is   the   new   term,   the   cyber,   is   also   newly generated   term.   When   by   using   the   internet,   anything   going   to   be   done in   that   cyber   space,   this is   not   found   in   physically   existence    that    is called   a   cyber   space.   When   anyone   uses   this   cyber   space   to   committee the crime, it is called a cyber crime. Cyber   crime   is   not new  but   it   is as   like   the   conventional  crime   .Basically   the   crime   means   any   act,   which is  going  to   commit   against   the   society   and   create   an   alarm   in   the   mind of   society,   or   create    a   fear    in   society.   So    cyber    crime    means   when any person by using the internet or computer  performs  the   criminal   activity as  provided  in   any   criminal   law,   that   crime can   be   called   as   a   cyber crime. When the word cyber comes,   it   deals   always   with   the computer or any network. When this computer or internet is used to commit a





3 Cyber crime- Law & policy perspectives, Dr. Mrs. K. Sita Manikyam (APRIL 23) Hind Law House, Pune.Page 40.


crime, it     is    cyber     crime.     In    cyber     crime     computer     is    an    instrument     to commit       the                  crime            or    it may   be     a    target.






In  the   present  era   of   rapid   growth,  information   technology  is   encompassing all lifestyles all over the world. These technological developments made the transition  for  paper   to  paperless  transaction   possible.  We  are   now  creating new standards of speed, efficiency and  ,   accuracy  in  communication,  which has  become  key  tools  for  boosting innovations,   creativity   and   increasing overall  productivity.  Computers  are  extensively used  in  the  storage  of confidential   data   of   political,   social   and   economic   or   personal   nature, which are of immense benefit  to  the  society.  The  use  of  Computers  is increasingly  spreading,  and  more  and  more  users  are   connecting   to   the internet. Due to this situation it   is   an   easy   access   to   the   internet   and the  computer.  Therefore,  the  criminals  started  to  misuse  the  computer  or internet   for   the   criminal   activates.   The   internet   is   a   source    where anybody can easily access,  manipulate  and  destroy  other  information,  this activities are nothing but the cyber crime.



A  generalized  definition  of  cyber   crime   may   be   “unlawful   act   wherein the  computer  is  either  tool  or  target   or   both,   the   computer   may   be used  as  a  tool  in  financial   crime   or   sale   of   the   any   illegal   articles. The  computer  may   be   the   target   when   someone   tries   to   unauthorized access to the computer or any personal data; this kind  of  misuse  of  the computer or the computer networks is called cyber crime.


There  is  apparently  no  distinction  between   cyber   crime   and   conventional crime.   However,    on    a   deep   introspection   we   may   say   that    there   exists a   fine   line   of   demarcation   in   the   involvement   of    the   medium    in   case of   cyber   crime.   The   sine   que   non   for   cyber  crime   is   that   there   should be an involvement, at any stage of  the  virtual cyber  medium.  Means  the cyber  crime  is  subject  to  the  cyber   space.   Offences   committed   via Information technology are known as cyber crime. This information


technology  based  on   the   cyber   world,   but   computer   does   not   subjected to  commit  cyber  crimes.  However,  the  computer  hand  in  hand   with   the internet has gives birth to a new generation of  crime.  In  such  computer crimes,  the  role   of   human   hand   is   less   while   the   automated   machines carry out the major activities. While the  Internet  is  the wonder  gift  of science   to   humankind,   at   the   same   time   it   becomes   a   haven   for criminals.



The cyber world is  the  non-physical  and  the  boundary  less.  Although,  the computer   world   may   exist   only   in   intangible   form,    it    affects    the physical  and  real  environment.  The  shift  of  crime  to  intangibles  has  a staggering  impact  on  society,  both   socially   and   economically.   This   Social and   economical   impact   is   all   over    the   world   because,   due   to   internet and  information  technology,  the   world   becomes   a   global   village.   The internet   is   not   subject   to   any   particular   state,   therefore,   the   cyber   law and   the   cyber   crime   cannot   be   subject   to   any   particular    country    or State. Therefore,   it   is   necessary   to   see   the   global   perspective    of    the cyber  crime.   Being   an   international   subject   all   Nations   has   try   to   enact the   laws   regarding   cyber   crime   and   tries   to   define    the    concept    , thought it is not possible to define the   cyber   crime,   but   it is  necessary to define the cyber crime for the execution of the cyber laws.

      1. Definitions



The cyber crime is worldwide problem so various  authority,  national  and international  level  tries  to   define   the   term   cyber   crime.   Following   are certain  important  definitions.  The  Oxford  Reference  Online   defines   'cyber crime' as  crime  committed  over  the  Internet.  The  Encyclopedia  Britannica defines 'cyber crime' as any crime that is committed by  means  of  special knowledge  or  expert  use  of   computer   technology.  So  what  exactly  Cyber Crime is. Cyber Crime could reasonably  include  a wide  variety  of  criminal offences and activities.


The  words  cyber  crime  and  computer  crime  are  use  inter  changeably   in common   parlance.   The   word   computer   crimes   has   wider   ambit   as   it entails  not  only  crimes  committed  on  the   internet   but   also   offences committed in relation to or with  the  help  of  computers.  Don  B  Parker distinguishes between the concepts of computer crime  and  cyber  crime,  and gives the definitions of the terms in the following words.

  1. Computer  crime:  A  crime  in  which   the   perpetrator   uses   special knowledge about computer technology.
  2. Cyber   Crime:   A   crime   in   which   the   perpetrator   uses    special knowledge of cyber space.



A  computer  crime  defined  by   the   U   S   department   of   Justice’s   “As   an illegal act requiring knowledge of computer Technology for its perpetration, investigation or prosecution”. However, the  definition  is  not  exhaustive   as there are many acts, which can be called abusive activities  concerning  the computer  but  they   are   often   not   clearly illegal.   Moreover,   most   of   the cyber   crimes   are   committed   via   internet   but   the   definition   has   no reference to it.



Cyber  crimes  can   be   plainly   define   as   “   Crimes   directed   at   a   computer or computer system” But the complex  nature  of  cyber  crimes  cannot  be sufficiently expressed in such simple and limited term.4



The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) recommended   the   working   definition   of   cyber   crime   “computer   related crime  is  considered  as   any   illegal,   unethical   or   unauthorized   behavior relating to the automatic processing and the transmission of data.”

This   definition   is   also   cannot   cover   the   border   aspect   of   the   real   nature of the Cyber crime, while defining the cyber crime, it only cover the





4 Cybercrime: Talat Fatima, (2011) Eastern Book Company, Lucknow. Page 89.


illegal  activities  pertaining  to  the   data   transmission.   However,   the   cyber crime not only deals with the data transmission,  it  includes  every  illegal activity via computer.

In  2001,  The  Council  of  Europe  Convention  defines   cybercrime   in   Articles 2-10  in  four  different  categories:  1)  offences  against  the   confidentiality, integrity and

availability  of   computer   data   and   systems;   2)   computer-   related   offences;

3) content- related offence; 4) offences related to infringements of copyright and related rights.5

This  is  not  definition  but  it   explanation   of   the   cyber   crime,   which   cover four   limb  in  the  illegal   use   of  the   computer  and  the  internet.  The   council has broadly cover all the activities in  which  the  privacy   of   some   once going  too  violated   by   using   the   computer   or   related   network.   It   also covers the integrity. It use the computer related crime  means  it  use  same word which cannot give any precise meaning .This  definition is  very  broader in sense cannot give any precise meaning of the term cyber crime.

On   all   above   definition,   the   conclusion   can   be   drawn,    that   the   cyber crime  is  much  border  and   wide   term,   yet   the   correct   definition   of   this term   is   not   available.   There   are   various   cyber   laws   enacted   by   the various    Nation,   but   any   nation   cannot    provide   the   unities   Cyber   Law that  has   cover   the   complete   concept   of   cyber   crime.   The   countries   have to enact the multiple laws to cover the misuse  of  the  computer  and related crime.



Cyber   Crime   may   be   defined   as   the   “act    of    creating,    distributing, altering,   stealing,   misusing,   and   destroying   information   through    the computer  manipulation  oficyber   space;   without   the   use   of   physical   force and against the will or the interests of the victim”









5 Cyber Crime and National Security: The Role of The Penal and Procedural Law by Laura Ani


This  definition  has  specifically  content  the   nature   of   cyber   crime,   as   the cyber crime is going to commit in  the   cyber  space.  Thus  the  basic  thing in   the   cyber    crime    that   it   ever   requires   the   physical   force.   Whenever the person misuses the cyber space to commit, any   illegal    act   that    can be called as a cyber crime.


The  information   Technology   bill,   1999   defines   the   cyber   crime   as, “Whoever  knowingly  or  intentionally   council,   destroy,   or   alter   or intentionally   or   knowingly   causes   another    to   conceal,    destroy,    or   alter any  computer  source  document  use  for  a  computer,  computer  program, computer  system,  or  computer  network,   when   computer   source   code   is require  to  be   kept   or   maintain   by   law   the   time   being   in   force   shall be punishable with a fine which may  extent  up  to   rupees   two   lakhs   or with imprisonment up to three years, or with both.”6



Some of  the  commonly  spelt  out  definitions  of  cyber  crime  are:



  1. A  criminal  activity  that  involve  unlawful  access  to  or  utilization  of computer system.
  2. Any   illegal   action   in   which   a   computer   is   use   as   a   tool   or   object of a crime; in other words,  any   crime,   the   means   or   purpose   of   which is to influence the functions of a computer
  3. Any incidents associated  with  computer  technology  in  which  a  victim suffered or could have suffered loss  and   a   perpetrator,   by   intention   made or could have made a gain.
  4. Any  violation  of  the  law  in  which   computer   is   a   target   of   or   the means for committing crime.
  5. Any  activity,   which   involves   the   unauthorized   and   unlawful   access   to or   utilization   of   computer   system   or    network   in    order   to   tamper   with the help of icomputers and the internet, can broadly be called as cyber





6 last access on dated 04/4/14 at 8.00pm.




On    these    spelt,    it    shows     the     concept     of     the     cyber     crime. However, any authority  has  not  provided    the    definition    or    even    Act has not provided the definition of the cyber crime.

merely  a  computer.   Therefore,   the   mere   computer   or the internet is  not subject of the cyber  crime, but   both   things   are   part of the cyber crime. Therefore it is difficult to define the cyber crime

.Basic  reason  behind  it  is  that,  it   is   not   different   that   the   conventional crime  and  it  cannot  be  subject  to  any  particular   way   of   misusing   of computer or the internet.

      1. Essentials of  Cyber  crime:



The  term  cyber   crime   cannot   define   due   to   the   critical   nature   of   it, because  it  involves  the   crime   relating   to   computer   and   computer techniques.36 Therefore, it has not any specific ingredients different from conventional crime  apart  from  the  techniques.  Because  development  of technology   create   new   way   to   commit   the   crime called   the   cyber   crime has emerged which is radically different from  the  conventional crime.  This crime   is  the   ill  effect   of  the   development   of   internet  regime.  In   view  of the peculiar nature and repercussions of cyber crime, its characteristics are altogether  different  from  that  of  a  conventional  crime.  The  most  striking features  of  cyber   crimes are   that   they   are   relatively   easy   to   commit, difficult  to  detect  and   even   harder   to   proved.   This   is   the   reason   as   to why  these  crimes  have  been   characterize   as   low   risk   high   rewarding ventures for the cyber criminals who  with  basic  computer   knowledge and skill  can  easily   destroy   valuable   database   causing   huge   loss   or   damage to the affected victims of the crime.7

Many  a  times  even   the   victim   affected   by   cyber   crime   is   unaware   of its  occurrence  because   of   lack   of   adequate   skill   and   know   how   in handling the computer system.



7 last accesson



with  the  routine  working  system  and  has  a  good   understanding   of   the loopholes  and  availability  of   opportunities   to   commit   the   cyber   crime without   leaving   any   trace   for  possible   detection.   Apart    from    the employees who are unhappy with  their  employees for  one  reason   or   the other may tend to target the employees computer system  to  take revenge similarly,  business  rivals  may   also   try   to   have   unauthorized   access   to system of their computing counterpart and   steal   away   confidential   secret data from his computer system for personal gain. 8

Cyber  crimes  have   been   characterized   as   high   tech   offences   because   they are committed by the abuse of computer networks and telecommunication technology. The range  of  such  crime  is  wide  enough  to  affect  the socio-economic  and  the  legal  rights  of  the  people.  Through,  the  use  of computer network system in itself is legal but the  illegal  actions  in   using the networks as a medium are deemed illegal  and punishable  under  the criminal  law  or  the  cyber  law  or  both.  Like  any   other   cyber   crime   the hi-tech  cyber  crime  committed  through  the  computer  telecommunication networks has the following

  1. The    perpetrators     as    well    as    the    victim    both    remain     anonymous     and difficult to be       identified.
  2. Many    unspecified     potential     customers     are    used    through    they    may    be far away from   the  place     of crime.
  3. Evidence     against     the     crime     is     easy     to     erase     thus     rendering     the helpless.


Being,  a  social   animal,   whose   nature   and   need   is   to   communicate   with each   other,   connected   with   this   technology.   Now    a   day   the    entire   life of human being is depend on the information technology.

Computer  is  a   product   of   the   20th   century.   It   has   drastically  changed  the





8 U.N. Congress on prevention of crime & treatment of offenders held in viagna on April 2023


modes of information technology. Along with the utility  of  the  computer, whenever  any  techniques  bring   easiness   in   the   life   of   human   being,   it brings   similar   risk   with   it.   The computer   and   this   internet   bring   cyber crime with it.  Thus,   cyber   crime   are   unknown to  the  legal   world   prior  to the birth to the internet and  includes  not  only  acts  which  are employed  to commit the traditional crime using the net  but  also  those  crime  which  are committed  thoroughly  and   exclusively   using   the   internet.   Though   certain cyber   crimes   are   thoroughly   committed   by   using   the   net,    that    also nothing  but  somewhere  attach  to  the  conventional   crime,   therefore   it   is difficult to define the cyber crime.



The  United  Nation  highlighted  the   problem   of   definition   in   its   manual   on the prevention   and   control   of   computer-   related    crime,    stating    that although there  is  consensus  among  experts,  these  definitions  have  been functional   and   hence   too   specific.   A   similar   problem   was   expressed   by the   Council   of   Europe,   the   committee   on   crime    problem    decided    to leave  out  any  definition  of  high  tech  crime  in  the  Convention   on  Cyber (2001),   allowing  individual  jurisdiction   to  apply  their   own   definition   based on   their   specific   body   of    law.   It    is    however   interesting   to   note    that the IT Act 2000 too omits to define cyber crime or computer crime.  This Indian  situation, though  the  Indian  legal  system  enacted  cyber   law   very recently in year 2000. Even the major cyber  laws   of   the   US   and   UK   do not   content   a   definition   of   cyber   crime.    However,    the    taxonomy    of these  elusive  crimes  would  give  a   circumvention   and   exhaustive comprehension   of    cyber    crime.   In    India,   the   recent   amendment    in   the IT  Act,  2008  has  used  the  term’   “computer   related   offences”   whereby   a good  number   of cyber   crime   have   been   added   to   the   list   of   crimes already existing.



Thus,  the  cyber  crime   cannot   define   due   to   these   problems,   and   it   is agreed  by  the   national   or   international   authorities.   On   the   minute observation of all the cyber crime policies of the entire countries, Cyber


crimes   are   generally   covered   in   conventional   crime,   as   like   offences against property, offence against privacy, against security or intellectual right. Therefore,   it   is   not   necessary   to   define   cyber   crime   specifically,   being part and parcel of the conventional crime.



      1. Reasons for  Cyber  crime



Crime  is  a  social  phenomenon   and   there   are   various   reason   behind   the crime. Criminologist had studied by giving different reason but the entire criminologist  gives  different  reason.  Cyber   crime   is   creation   of   the technology  and  the   technology   makes the   life   of   human   being   easy, therefore every one attracted  towards  this  technology  without  sufficient knowledge. This technology is having various special feature  due  to which  is gives  opportunity  to   the   misuse   the   technology   for   commission   of   crime. As Prof. H. L .A. Hart in  his   classic   work   entitled,   “The   concept   of law”9  has  stated  that,   human   beings   are   valuable   to   unlawful   acts   which are crimes and therefore, rules of law  are  required  to  protect   them   against such  acts.  Applying   the   same   analogy   to   cyber   space,   the   computer systems  despite   being   hi-tech   devices   are   extremely   vulnerable   Computer is an electronic device which carries out  its  functions  with  the  help of complex  technology  rather  than  manual   actions   of   human   beings.   The greatest   advantage   of   networking   in   the   computer   age    is    the    wider access  to  information  resources  over   a   large   and   extensive   medium   More and  more  organizations  are  restoring  to  networks  for   providing   easily accessible   information   to   their   employees   customers   and    parties    with which they deal.



Information  dissemination  through  World   Wide   Web   has   created   new resources  for   faster   and   cost   effective   easy   access   to   information throughout the world. It has created new environment of e-mails, chats,





9 Cyber Crimes: Law & Policy Perspectives, Dr.Mrs.K.Sita Manikyam , (2009)Hind Law House, Pune Page 41.


down  loads  etc.  However,  wider   access   to   information   creates   some problems  like  protecting  and  guarding  any  computer  system   against unauthorized use.


  1. Wider access  to  information



Access  where  there  is  possibility  of  breach  not  due  to   human   error   but because of the complex technological manipulations. For  a  bank  vault,  which usually   contains lakhs   of   rupees   is   well   guarded   against    unauthorized access   by   miscreants   as   it   is   made   up   of   very   strong   materials   located in   a   reinforced   zoom   guarded   by   security    personnel,   secret   information can  be  easily   stolen   by   implementing   logic   bombs   or   key   images   in access  codes.  Similarly,   the   advanced   voice   records   can   easily   fool biometric systems and frustrate all security measures.

  1. Complexity   of    computer   system



The  computer  work   an   operating   systems   and   these   operating   systems   in turn are composed of millions of  codes.  Human  mind  is  fallible  and  it  is possible that there might be   a   lapse   at   any   stage.   The   cyber    criminals take  under  advantage  of  these  lapses,  lacunas  and  penetrate  into  computer system. Such criminals are  called  hackers who  exploit  the  weaknesses  in existing   operating   system   and   security   devices.   Thus, hackers   are    the dreaded  enemy   of   the   internet   and   general   network   security   and   they exploit  the   complexity   of   computer   systems   motivated   by   personal vengeance. Sabotage fraud, greed or malice against the victim.

  1. Negligence of  Network  users



Negligence  is  closely   related   to   human   conduct,   It   is   therefore   quite probable that while protecting the   computer   system   there   might   be   any lapse  or  negligence  on the    part    of     the     owner,     thus     user     which may   provide   an    opportunity    for    the    cyber    criminal    to    gain unauthorized  or   illegal   access   or   control   over   the   computers   Interaction with the cross-  section  of  computer  users  has  shown  that  in  their  anxiety to put   the   computer   software   into   regular   operation.   They    allow    the access control and security measures to take a back seat thus providing


scope  for  cyber  criminals  to   intrude   and   steal   after   or   erase   substantial data.  This  is  particularly  true  with  big  organizations  such  as  banks, corporations, government  offices  etc.  which  are  equipped  with  high  tech software  systems  for  public  access  but  leave   if   totally   insecure   and unguarded  against  information  poachers  or  manipulators  due   to   sheer negligence of their staff or employees.

  1. Non- availability  or  loss  of  evidence



The traditional methods for producing storing transmitting and disseminating information  or  records  has  now  been  replaced  by  the  digital   computer processing  and network  technology.   The   real   issue   before   law   enforcement and investigating agencies is how to procure and preserve evidence unlike traditional offences, it is very difficult to  collect  sufficient  evidence   of   a cyber crime which could withstand judicial  scrutiny to   establish   the   guilt   of the  cyber  accused  beyond  doubt.   Anonymity   that   internet   provides  to  the cyber  criminals  encourages  him   to   indulge   in   criminal   activity   without leaving  any  evidence  and  even  if   some   evidence   is   left   it   is   hardly sufficient  to  convince  the  police  that   a   criminal   case   can   be   registered against the perpetrator.

The inadequacy of traditional methods of evidence and crime investigation has necessities  adoption  of  new  techno-legal  procedure  called   cyber   forensics, which  has broadly  been  classified  as   computer   forensics   and   network forensics. The forensic  experts  play  an  important  role  in  collecting  and presenting  admissible  evidence  electronic  evidence,  search  and  seizure  of material  evidence  relevant  to  the  cyber   crime  under  investigation.  But  still these  are  certain   grey   areas   which   enable   the   cyber criminals   to   tamper with the evidence to mislead the investigating agencies.

  1. Jurisdictional   Uncertainty10





10 Conventional crime through computer e-book.


Cyber crimes cut across territorial borders which undermine the feasibility and legitimacy  of  applying  domestic  laws  which  are  normally  based   on geographical or territorial jurisdiction, Cyber crimes are committed through cyberspace network inter


connectivity  and  therefore,  they  do  not  recognize  geographical   limitations because  ofitheir  transnational  in  nature.  There   being   no   uniformity   in   law and procedure among the different nations for handling cyber criminals, jurisdictional  conflict  a   serious   problem   for   a   nation   to   deal   with   the cyber   offenders.   In   many   cases,   it   so    happens    that   create    particular cyber activity is recognize as a  crime  in  one   country  but   it   is   not so   in the   other   country   where   the   criminal    or   the   victim   resides   with   the result the criminal easily escapes from prosecution.

In  the  absence  of  a  single  internationally  recognized  code   of   law   and procedure   governing   cyber   crimes   the   law   enforcing   authorities   of individual countries find it  extremely  difficult  to  tackle  cyber  crimes  and criminals while applying their territorial law. Briefly  stated,  reporting  and conviction  in  cyber  cases   is far   and   few   due   to   paucity   of   cyber jurisdiction of the country investigation or trying these offences and this uncertainty   of   law   encourages   the   cyber   criminals   to   continue their notorious activity unabated.

      1. Types of  Cyber  Crime:



The  cyber  crime   is   generic   term   that   can   be   use   by   various   illegal activates  where  in  computer  or  computer  network  is  going  to  use.  The computer  crime  and  cyber  crime  are  literally   different   but   that   cannot separate from each other by  the  legal system.  Therefore,  it  is  not  easy  to classify the cyber crime. There are   various   modes and   manner    by    with the  cyber  crime   can   be   committed.   Even   the   traditional   crime   is   going to   be   committed   by   using   the   computer   or   internet.   The   concept    of crime is itself dynamic, and in case of cyber crime, it is more


dynamic.  Therefore,  the   cyber   crime   can   be   classified   in   various   ways. It   may   classify   on   the   use   of   computer   or   mode  of  using  of  computer in any crime. The role of computer in every  cyber  crime  is different   so  it can  classify  on  that   basis  also,  it  can   classify  on   the   basis  of  perpetrator. Role  of  computer   means   insider   and   outsider.   However,   the   mode   or   role is  not  subject  matter  of  criminal  law  but  the  result   is   more   important, therefore on the basis of   result   of   illegal   act,   Thus   the   cyber   crime   can be classified on the basis of victims in the manner as following

        1. Crime affecting   Individual


        1. Crime   affecting   economy


        1. Crime    affecting    national    security
  1. Crime    affecting    Individual


Cyber  crime  has  started  to  take  place   by   this   kind.  Maximum   cyber  crimes are commit which affect the individual. In   this   cyber   crime,   the   victim is   the   user   of   the   computer   or   someone   used   the   computer    by    the name of the victim. The criminal get access   to   the   computer   or   account of the other and uses the private access by  violating the  privacy   right   of the   victim.   The   computer   is   a   common   and   important   source   of preserving   personal   data   or   information.   Internet    and    the    computer develop  the  techniques  to  restore   the   huge   data   of   person   in   minimum time.  Due  to   the   capacity   and   the   easy   manner,   this   techniques   is   going to use in everywhere from school to hospital and business enterprises  to governmental and nongovernmental banking also make   use   or   abuse   of   it11.


Internet  and  computer  in  business  is  call  e-commerce.   This   e-commerce provides various  speedy  and  less  expensive  procedures  in  the  high-  tech business.  Thus  e-   commerce   has  removed   the   national   boundaries  without any problem. Due to this, less expensive process attracted the traders and businessperson   to   use   this   mode   for   transferring   the   huge   amount   of





11 Laws on Cyber Crime: P .K. Singh, (2007) Book Enclave, Jaipur, Page 48.


money.    However,    this    process    is    also    not    without    disadvantages.



The   businessman   and   common   man   uses   this   technology    to   save   their time,   but  criminals   use   the    technology  which  is  unknown  to  the   general user of the internet and the technology is  more  sophisticated  technology which   is   more   easier   way   to   commit   the    criminal    activities.    The criminal activity as like hacking and  IP  spoofing are  the  common  offence, which are going to commit against the  economy.  Generally, the  frauds  are going   to   be   committed   by   using   internet.   Software    piracy    is    the common  offence  in   a   day,   the   object   behind   software   piracy   is   nothing but to save the money. Cyber  squatting  is  another  mode  to   commit   the cyber crime. The main object behind these offences is nothing but to  gain wrongfully. This is new mode to  commit conventional  crime  though,  it  is known as a cyber crime.

  1. Crime   affecting    National   Security:



When  the  illegal  activity  in  the  cyber   space,   that   affect   the   society   and nation at large are called  cyber crime against   the   national    security.   Now a day the internet is going  to   be   use   for   spreading   the    ideas.   When such  use   is   made   by   the   terrorist   organization   to   spread   their   ideology, it   will   threat   the   national   security.   Apart   from    this,   there   is   also   a major  threat  of  terrorist  attempting  disrupt  the  telecommunication and information technology apparatus itself.

This  mode  of  the  cyber  crime  threats   the   national   and   international perspective.   Cyber   terrorism   is   best   example   of   this    offence.    Terrorists are  using  the  recent  information  technology  to  formulate   the   plans,   raise funds, create propaganda, and to   communicate    massage   among    themselves to execute a plan. 12 Cyber  warfare is  another   mode   to   committee   the cyber crime which affect the national security. Computer and internet is





12 Laws on Cyber Crime: P .K. Singh, (2007) Book Enclave, Jaipur, Page 48.


integral part of military strategies of  various  countries  in   the world.   By using   the   technology   when   one   country   collects    the    information    of enemy   country,   it   creates   the   threat   to   that   country   as    well   as    the peace and security  of  the world is    going   to   be    affected    by   this   kind of activities.



The  cyber  crime   is   generic   term   that   can   be   use   by   various   illegal activates   where in  computer  or  computer  network  is   going   to use.  The  computer   crime   and   cyber  crime  are  literally  different  but  that cannot separate from each other by the legal system.  Therefore,  it  is  not easy to classify the cyber crime. There  are  various  modes and  manner  by with  the  cyber  crime   can   be   committed.   Even   the   traditional   crime   is going  to  be   committed   by   using   the   computer   or   internet.   The   concept of  crime  is  itself  dynamic,  and   in   case   of   cyber   crime,   it   is   more dynamic.  Therefore,   the   cyber   crime   can   be   classified   in   various   ways. It   may   classify   on   the   use   of   computer   or   mode   of   using  of   computer in any crime. The role of computer in every  cyber  crime  is different  so  it can classify on that basis also, it can classify on the basis



      1. Cyber    Crime    and    Offences    under    Indian    Penal    Code



As  the  society  changes,  the  concept  of   the   crime   develop   along   with   the time and invented the cyber  crime.  as   already   mention   that   cyber   crime is  criminal  act  in  which  the  computer   or   the   network   is   either   tool   or target  or  both.  In  India,   the   criminal  law   means   nothing  but   the   Indian Penal Code, this the complete code which deals  with  all  the  offences,  it dealing  with   all   kinds   of   offences,   though   the   concept   oficrime   is   new and   technical,   but   the   Indian   Penal   Code   is   still   effective   and   covering all   kinds   of   crime.   Therefore   this   conventional   criminal   law   is   sufficient to deal with all kinds of crimes, whether  this  cyber  crime  or  any  other crime.



Indian  legal   system   enacted   Information   Technology   Act,   2000   with   intent to regulate the e-business. That is   purely   a   contractual   law   dealing   with the  commerce,  but  along  with  e-business,   it   provides   certain   provisions dealing with unauthorized use of the internet or   unauthorized   use   of   the computer. This  misuse  is  called  as  a  cyber  crime  in  The  Information Technology   Act,   2000,   which   is   India’s   cyber   Law.    The    offences provided  in  this  Act  are  already  provided  in  Indian   Penal   Code   in   the various provision from the enactment of the Indian Penal Code.



After coming into force of the Information Technology Act, 2000 on  17th October,2000  appropriate   provisions   have   been   incorporated   in   the substantive  criminal  law  of  India.  The  substantive  criminal  Law   of   India means  Indian   Penal   Code,   because   the   various   offences   of   this   law   are too  much  similar   to   the   offences   which   are   known   cyber  crime,  only  due to technology  to  commit  that  offences  is  quite different  therefore  the amendments  are  require  to  bring  that  offences  under  the   preview   of   this Code.  The  amendment  insert  certain  new  term   in   the   Indian   Penal   Code only  with  intent   to   make   effective   implementation   of   provisions   dealing with this offences which are going  to  commit  by  using  the  information technology.



The   Information   Technology   Act,   2000   contains   wide   range   of   offences such as  tempering  with  computer  sources,   sending   offensive   messages, violation  of  privacy;  publishing  obscene  material   etc.   these   all   illegal activities   are   already recognized   as   an   offence   in   Indian   Penal    Code. These similarities can discuss in the following ways;


Similar offences  also  fall  under  the  Indian  Penal  Code.



  1. Sending    threatening    messages     by    email                          Section    503    IPC



  1. Sending    defamatory    messages     by    email                         Section    499    IPC



  1. Forgery  of  electronic  records                                                  Section    463    IPC



  1. Bogus  websites,  cyber  frauds                                                  Section    420    IPC



  1. Email   spoofing                                                                          Section    463    IPC



  1. Web-jacking       Section    383    IPC



  1. E-Mail   Abuse Section     500    IPC



  1. Online  sale  of  Drugs                                                               NDPS Act



  1. Online  sale  of  Arms                                                                Arms Act



x)      Pornographic      Section 292  IPC



    1. Cyber    Crime    and    Criminal    law    of   India:



Cyber  crime  is   undefined   concept,  which   means   the   criminal   activity   done by using the computer   and   internet.   Cyber   crime   is   a   boundary   less   crime. Until   the   1999,   Indian   legal   system   has   not    concerned   with   any   cyber law  specially   to   control   to   the   criminal   activity.   The   present   cyber   law of  India  is  creation  of  the  e-commerce,   because   the  concept   of   corporate world  has  undergone  change   and   the   multinational   companies   are   working and   require   the   protection   in   the   new   modes    of   the    business.    New modes of communication techniques are going  to  utilize  by  the  business community. The internet makes  available  the  easy  and  fast  mode  of communication to the business world. The  International  community  has  also filled that for the globalization of the business it is necessary to


introduce the new modes for the business. This globalization compels the international  community  to  provide   the   regulation   for   the   use   of   the internet.   This   leads   to   making   of   rules   and   regulation   regarding   the control of the e-business.

Though   this   internet   and   e-commerce   emerged   to   make   the   easy   and speedy communication,  it  impliedly  provides  the  multiple  opportunities  to perform the illegal activities. When   this   illegal   activity   violates   the   right of someone as provided by  any law,  then  it  is   the   duty   of   the   legal system  to  enact  the  laws  to   protect   from   that   act.   Criminal   law   is   the most   important   branch   of   the   law,   which   closely    connected    with everyone.  It  is  rightly  says  that  criminal   law   is   the   best   when   it criminalizes least.  Therefore,  when  the  cyber  crime  ramped  in  the  society, It need the effective criminal law to curb it.



The  Information  technology   has   invented   the   new   world   of   cyber   space. This world is the creation of the 21st   Century.   However,   it   is   not   like a  physical  world,  however,  it   connected   the   world   and   makes   it   as   a global  village.  Therefore,  the   work of   legal   system   increased.   Being   a welfare  state,   it   is   duty   of   the   state   to   protect   the   citizens   in   cyber space also. Therefore, it is  necessary  to  the  legal  system  to  regulate the activities  in  the  cyber   space.   It   is   not   subject   of   any   particular   country, but  worldwide  subject  therefore  the  present  cyber  laws  in  the   world   are having transnational nature.



The  Indian  legal   system   has   enacted   Information   Technology   Act   in   the year  2000.  The  said  act  is  mostly  deals  with  the   e-business   and   the regulation  of  e-  commerce.  Along  with  this,   it   recognized   certain   cyber crime.  However,  the  Information  Technology  Act  is   enacted,   Which   deals with  the   regulation   of   digital   signature   and   the   authorities   regarding   it, The  I.T.  Act  does  not   provide   completely   about   the   cyber   crime   but the other criminal law also deals with the cyber crime. Indian Penal


code  also  deals  with  the   certain   computer   crime   because   cyber   crime   is new   mode   of   the   committing   crime,   which   is    not   so    much    different from the conventional crime. However  the   cyber   crime   is   committed   by using  the  different   modus   operandi,   therefore   some   amendments   are  require to  cover  the  technical  aspect.  Therefore,  the  cyber   law   is   enacted   by   the legal   system.    India   is   one   of   the   countries    among   them,   which   are having   alertness   regarding   the   crimes   going   to   be    committed in   cyber space.

      1. Evolution of  law  in  Cyber  Space:



The  modern  world  is  of  the   cyber   space,   21st   century   gives   us   a   new world  of internet.  It  drastically  changes  the   life   style   of   human   being. Internet is now a lifeline in  the  present  days.  One  or  other  way   now connects everyone with computer. Every person generally  using  cell  phone, laptop,   tab   computer   etc.   Computer   takes   place   ofipaper   and   all   records, so that personal data is now on computer or in  the  cyber  space. So  for protecting  the  personal  information  and   data   in   the   cyber   space   the   laws are     required.     Cyber     space     represents     the      medium      of communication,    electronic.   An   internet   or   network   of   computers   can operate   without   the   constraints   of   space,   state   borders   etc.   Though   they are   only   a   medium   for   storage,   analysis   and   communication   of information, communication that is fast outmoding or even  replacing  more traditional  method  of  communication.  Therefore,  cyber   laws   are   the requirement  and  need  of  time.   The   convergence   of   the   computer   network and  telecommunication  facilitated   by   digital   technologies   has   given   birth to a common space called cyberspace.


The    new    shorter    Oxford   Dictionary   explains      the expression Cyberspace as, “the                national environment within    which          electronic      communication    occurs, especially                 when     represented                 as the inside     of the            computer  system.” 13Space  perceived  as  such  by         an observe              but generated by a computer system  and       having        no        real        existence,     the space    of        virtual  reality.



Traditional  legal   systems   have   had   great   difficulty   in   keeping   peace   with the  rapid   growth   of   the   internet   and   its   impact   throughout   the   world. In   spite   of   the   recent   fluency   of    legislation   world-wide,   it   is    unlikely that court and legislators will be able to provide sufficient  guidance  in  a timely fashion  to  business  to  enable  them  to  engage in  commerce  on  or otherwise  take  advantage  of  the   internet   in   a   manner   that   avoids   or minimize unexpected consequences or liabilities.

An  internet  or   network   of   computers   can   operate   without   the   constraints of   space,   state   borders   etc.   Though   they   are    only    a    medium    for storage,  analysis  and  communication  of  information,  they  virtually  create  a world  of  their  own  a   medium   in which   a   business   can   be   transacted without any of the inhibitions that the real world imposes.

The main  functions  of  the  internet  have  thus  emerged  as  providing



  1. A   cheap,           fast    relatively    insecure     means    of    international    communication of          text, sound   and    image,
  2. A    method    of    publishing     information    internationally,
















13 last access on dated APRIL 2023 at 5 .00 pm.


Further  challenges  are  presented  by  the  need   for   security   in   electronic network.  Government  is   in   favors   of   the   security   but   not   for   criminal or  subversion  communications.  The  growth  in   international   crime   has increased  the  need  for  the  Government’s  ability  to  break   corruption   of unlawful   communication,    but    lawful    communication   must   be   subject   to the same link.

      1. Indian Law  on  cyber  crime



India also,  like  other  countries  of  western  has  a  well-developed  legal infrastructure  and   it   is   going   with   the   development   and   time.   The   result of this, India too is sharing the  legal   liability,   which   is   the   outcome   of the  technological  boom.  Though  the  India  is   having   rich   heritage   of   the legal  system,  then   also   it   facing   the   problem  of  the  traditional   notion   of the  jurisdiction  which  is  the   great   difficulty   for   the laws   related   to   the cyber space.



India  has  emerged  as   a   world’s   leader   in   the   field   of   Information technology , because the  earning   from   the   software    and   the    IT   services is  nicely  contributing  the  Indian   economy.   With   increasing   in   the   growth and   development   of   information   technology   and   cyber   world,    the possibility  of   increase   in   the   crime   relating   to   computers   has   also increased  simultaneously.  Legislative  steps  for  regulating  the  electronic commerce  and  checking  the  cyber  crimes   have   also   become   essential. The Indian Parliament therefore enacted  the  Information   Technology   Act, 2000. For combating crime  problem  The  Indian  response  in  the  form  of legislative    action    as    well as the   IT revolution is   mainly limited to   this Act and Rules and Regulation made there under.14








14 Laws on Cyber Crime: P.K.Singh (2007), Book Enclave, Jaipur, Page 23


Committed  where  in  any  right   is   going   to   be   violated,   the   conventional law   provides    the   remedy.   The   offences   as   hacking   is   violation   of   right of  privacy  as  recognized   a   fundamental   Rights   by   the   Apex   Court   of India.  However,   considering   the   need   of   International   Society   and   for giving effect to the UN resolution the  Indian legal  system  require  the  law relating   to   the   computer   and   Internet    therefore    the    Information Technology  Act  and  certain  special   rules   enacted   by   the   Indian   legal system.  Due  to  certain  technical  nature,  certain  amendments   also   need therefore  the   Indian   Legal   system   formulated   the   rules   to   maintain   its legal status in international family.

To  meet  the  need  of   21st   Century   the   Indian   legal   system   deals   with the laws relating to the cyber space and cyber crime as following:

1.    Information    Technology    Act:



To   regulate   the   electronic   communication   the    Indian    Parliament    has enacted   this   Act,   which   involve   the    use   of    alternatives    to   the   paper base   means   of   communication    and   storage    of    information,   to   facilitate the   electronic   filing   with   the government   agencies.   Along   with   the enactment of the IT Act 2000, to recognize the electronic communication certain important amendments has made in the Indian  laws, the   amendments are   required   to   make   the   execution   of   the   regular   laws   in    the information   technology   age.   The   main   object   of   the   IT   Act   is    to facilitate   legal   reorganization   and   regulation   of   commercial    activities through   electronic   medium.   This   Indian   Act   is   based   mainly   on   the United Nations resolution No A/GES/51/162; Dated 30th January, 1997, as

well as

on  the  UNICITRAL

Model  Law   on  Electronic  Commerce.15   This

is    only

one    act    in    Indian

legal     system,     which     known    as    the    Cyber

Law    of







15   IT Act 2000 vs 2008- Implementation, Challenges, and the role of adjudicating officers. By Karnika seth


and  the  recognition  of  the  digital   signature.   As   K.P.   Singh   has   rightly pointed out the major issue covered under the provision of the act are  as following16.

  1. Establish  rules  which  recognize  and  validate  contracts  and   execution through electronic mediums;
  2.      Recognizes   the   admission   of   computer   evidence   in   courts   and arbitration proceedings



The   law   is   enacted   to   meet   the   digital   technology    and    new communication  technology  and   it   also   provides   penalties   for   misuse   or illegal   use   of   technology   in   certain   situation   therefore   it   is   known   as cyber  law  of  India.  As  per  the   preamble   of   the   Act,   the   object   is more  dealing  with  the   electronic   communication   and   the   contract,   which made  through  the  internet.  The  preamble  of  Act  says  there   is   need   for bringing  in  suitable  amendments  in  the  existing  laws  in   our   country   to facilitate e- commerce.



Nature of  the  I.T.  Act,  2000:



It   is   well   recognized   that   it   is   mainly   enacted    to    recognized    and facilitate  e-  commerce  and  not  to  govern  cyber  crimes,  however  the   Act defines  certain  offences and  penalties.  Chapter  XI  of  the  act   deals   with offences  and  the  Chapter   IX   deals   with penalties   and   the   authorities regarding adjudication. These two chapters of   the   I.T.   act deals   with   certain cyber crimes. Chapter IX focus on the following important features:

  1. Regulating conduct   in   its   unique   way;






16 Laws on Cyber Crime: P.K.Singh (2007), Book Enclave, Jaipur, First Publication. Page 96.


  1. Civil    regulations    to    be    employed    by    premise     rather    than    criminal;



  1. The            process      of     adjudication      is     entrusted     to     adjudicating      officers rather      than regular civil courts;
  2. Such    adjudicating     officers     are     required     to    know    the    laws    and    the IT               or      must have            judicial experience;
  3. Adjudicating officers  are  vested  with  power  of  civil  court;



  1. The    proceeding    to    be    conducted    by    such    adjudicating    officers    are    to be          construed as judicial proceedings;
  2. The    quantum     of    compensation     to    be    calculated     at    market     rate    for loss             or       sufferings.



This  features  shows  that  this  chapter  mere  gives  of  civil  court,   certain provisions   deals   with   power   to   impose   the   penalty.    When    these provisions of IT Act which  deals   with   the   civil   liability,   and   if   the   act is   comes   under   any   penal   provision of   Criminal   law,   then   it    can registered under that Laws also.



Chapter  XI  of  the   Act   defines   certain   offences   and   prescribed   the punishment for that cyber crimes. For  example,   Section   65   of   the   Act deals  with  the  offence  of   Tampering  with  the   computer   source   document. The wording of the tampering is as following:



Section   65:   Tampering   with   Computer   Source   Document:    Whoever knowingly or intentionally conceals, destroys or  alters  or  intentionally  or knowingly causes   another   to   conceal,   destroy   or   alter    any    computer sources  code  use for a  computer   with   fine   which   may   be   extended up to two lakh rupees or both .17




17 Section 65, The Indian Information Technology Act , 2000


This  is  the  penal  section  of  the  IT  Act,  which  deals  with  concealing  or distorting    the     source     of     the     computer.     This     offence     deals     with the privacy of the


computers  accession.  For  this,  the  punishment  is  provided  up   to   the   three years.  This section  essentially  tries   to   stop   the   efforts   or   actions   or commands  given  to  the   computer   to   alter   the   programs,   destroy   the programs or to cancel them  in  such   a   way that   they   cannot   be   used   by the  person  who  owns   the   program.   Whether   this   is   intentional   or mischievous  act   but   it   attracts   the   punishment   up   to   three   years   or   fine up to two lakhs rupees.



This  section  enacted  mainly  to   protect   the   institution   where   the   important data is going to be kept or stored. The most  important  step,  which  an organization should take  is  to  register   its   source   Code.   There   are   times when  it  becomes  difficult  for  an  organization  to   prove   that   a   particular source  code  was  there  property  as   one   of   the   ex-employees   might   take away the  code  to  see  in  other  company.  There,  if  the  organization  has registered its source code then it is easy to pin down the culprit.51



Like  this  there  are  further  section  66,  67,  70  etc.  which   deals   with   the offences as like hacking the computer or offence of   obscene   publication in  electronic  form.  Section  65  to  75   of   the   IT   Act   deals   especially with   the   cyber   crimes   and   the   punishments   for   that,   but   these   are   not the  all  forms  of  the   cyber   crime.   All   these   offences   deals   with   the criminal act though it  is  similar  to  the  conventional  crime,  where  in  the computer is either tool or target while committing that crime.



Section 66 deals  with  the  offence  of  unauthorized  access  to  the  computer resource.  In  the   language   of   the   computer,   it   is   called   hacking.   The   act in   this   offence is   going   to   be   committed   by    using    the    dishonest intention. 18



18 Cyber Law & Crime : Barkha U Rama Mohan (2011) Asia Law House, Hyderabad. Page 1.


  1. Information    Technology     (Certifying    Authorities)    Rules,     2000



  1. Information    Technology     (Security    Procedure)     Rules,    2004



  1. Information    Technology     (Certifying    Authority)    Regulations,     2001



As  the  said  act  also  cannot  fulfill  the  need   of   the   time   and   the   cyber security is facing the problem as  well   as   the   execution   is   impossible   due to  certain   technical   problem.   Therefore,   the   Information   Technology   Act is   drastically   amended   in   the   year   2008.     The   said  amendment  has  made to bring the cyber crime under the preview of the conventional law.

The   Information   Technology    (Amendment)    Act,    2008



After the execution from the  2000,  the  IT  Act  is  facing  difficulties  while executing.  Due  to  certain  technical  loopholes  in  I  T  Act,   2000,   the amendment  is  sought  to  for  the  smooth   execution   of   the   Act;   the amendment takes place in 2008, which has changed the nature of the

I.T. Act. To meet the hurdles for  the  enforcement certain  important   sections are inserted in the I T Act and it   brought   the    various   illegal activities on computer in the preview of cyber  crime  in  this  Act  The  Information Technology  (Amendment)  Act,  2008  which  was  made  effective  from  27 October  2009.  The  IT  (Amendment)  Act,  2008  has   brought   remarkable changes in the IT Act, 2000 on several counts.



The   amendment   added   certain   important   definitions   in   the   Act,   Section 2(ha) is added “Communication device” which  bring  the   cell   phone   under the  preview  of  cyber  crime.  This  amendment   brings   all   communication devices, cell phones, iPods or other devices used to  communicate,  send  or transmit any text, video, audio   or   image. Section   2   (w)   has   also   bring the  service  providers   under   the   preview   of   cyber   crime.   The  amendment Act also inserted various new things in the Act as like the controlling


authority,   power   of   adjudicative   authority.   However,    more    important    is that, certain provisions regarding the offences are included in the Act.



New  cybercrime  under  I  T  Amendment  Act,  2008:



Many  cybercrimes  for  which  no  express  provisions  existed   in   the   IT   Act, 2000 now included by the  IT (Amendment)   Act,   2008.   This   Act   adds new  provisions   in   section   66,as   like   Sending   of   offensive   or   false messages  (s   66A),   receiving   stolen   computer   resource   (s   66B),   identity theft (s 66C), cheating by personation (s 66D),


Violation  of  privacy  (s  66E).  These  all   things   though   concern   with   the privacy  rights  but   that   is   going   to   violated   by   different   mode   so   it require   to   be   in   the   Act.    A   new    offence   of   Cyber   terrorism   is   added in  Section  66  F  which  prescribes  punishment   that  may   extend   to imprisonment   for   life.   Section   66   F,   covers   any   act    committed    with intent   to   threaten   unity,   integrity,   security   or   sovereignty   of    India   or cause   terror   by   causing   DoS   attacks,   introduction    of    computer contaminant,  unauthorized   access   to   a  computer   resource,   stealing   of sensitive information, any information likely to cause injury to interests of sovereignty   or   integrity   of   India,   the   security,    friendly    relations    with other  states,  public   order,   decency,   morality,   or   in   relation   to   contempt of court, defamation or incitement to an offence, or  to  advantage  of  any foreign nation, group of individuals or otherwise. These offences are more important because the offences against the nation are  now  going  to  be committed by using new techniques of the communication.



For  other  offences  mentioned  in   Section   66,   punishment   prescribed   is generally   up   to   three   years   and   fine   of   one/two   lakhs   has   been prescribed  and  these  offences  are  cognizable   and   bailable.   This   will   not prove to play a deterrent factor for cyber criminals. Further, as per new


Section  84B,  abetment  to  commit   an   offence   is   made   punishable   with the  punishment   provided   for   the   offence   under   the   Act   and   the new Section  84C   makes   attempt   to   commit   an   offence   also   a   punishable offence with imprisonment for  a   term,   which   may   extend   to   one-half   of the longest term of imprisonment provided for that offence.



In   certain   offences,   such   as   hacking   (sec   66)   punishment    is    enhanced from  three  years  of  imprisonment  and  fine  of   two  lakhs  to   fine   of   five lakhs.  In  Section  67, for   publishing   of   obscene   information   imprisonment term has been reduced from five years to three years (and five years  for subsequent offence instead of earlier ten years) and  fine  has  been   increased from one lakh to five lakhs (rupees  ten  lakhs  on subsequent  conviction). Section  67A  adds  an  offence  of  publishing   material   containing   sexually explicit   conduct   punishable   with   imprisonment   for   a    term    that    may extend  to  five  years   with   fine   up   to   ten   lakhs.   This   provision   was essential   to   curb   MMS   attacks   and   video   voyeurism.    Section    67B punishes  offence  of  child  pornography,   child’s   sexually   explicit   act   or conduct   with   imprisonment   on   first   conviction   for   a   term   up   to   five years  and  fine  up  to   ten   lakhs.   This   is   a   positive   change   as   it   makes even browsing and collecting of child pornography a punishable offence.




Punishment   for   disclosure   of   information   in   breach   of    lawful    contract under Section 72 is increased from  two  yrs  up  to  five  yrs   and  from   one lakh to five lakhs or both. This  will   deter   the  commission  of   such  crime. By  virtue  of   Section   84   B   person who   abets   a   cybercrime   will   be punished with punishment  provided  for  that  offence  under  the  Act.  This provision   will   play   a   deterrent   role   and    prevent    commission    of conspiracy  linked  cybercrimes.   In   addition,   punishment   for   attempt   to commit  offences  is  given  under  Section   84   C,   which   will   be   punishable with  one   half   of   the   term  of  imprisonment  prescribed  for  that  offence  or such fine as provided or both.


Thus,   the   important   changes   takes   place   in   I.T.   Act   2008,   which   brings the various crimes, which are committed by using the computer or any communication device.  Then  also  various  cyber  crimes  are  going  to  be registered  using  the  Indian  Penal   Code.   It   shows   that   the   Amendment cannot cover all the cyber crimes, because the  cyber  crime  is  basically different from the conventional crime,  however   the   way to   commit   the crime  is  changed   and   the   computer   is   a   tool   to   commit   the   crime   or in certain crime it is target.19

  1. Indian Penal  Code  .1860



Indian  Penal  code  is  the  universal  criminal  law  of   India.   The   base   to constitute the offence is  nothing  but   the   guilty   intention    and   prohibited act  according  to  the  Indian  Penal  code.  The  Indian  penal  code  is   basic criminal  law  of   India,   along   with   the   time,   the   legal   system   enacted certain special criminal law.  The  cyber  crime  is  creation  of  information technology age, though the modes or  ways  to  commits  cyber crime  is different  from  the   conventional   crime,   but   it   is   not   much   different   from the   conventional   crime.   The   IT   Act   has   not   covered   all   the    cyber crimes;   again,   Indian   Penal   code   is   applicable.   Due   to   the    universal nature of the IPC, it covers almost all the crime.

Therefore  the   enactment   of   Information   technology   compel   the   law   makers to amend the Indian Penal code, which is called  as  a  conventional  Penal law  of  India.  The  First   schedule   to   the   Information   Technology   Act   of 2000  has  amended  the  certain  provisions   of   Indian   Penal   code,   1860. The amended provision have been  widened  to  include  offences  involving electronic record.



Sec.   192    of    the    Indian    Penal    code    has    amended    the    meaning    of



19 last access on dated APRIL 2023 at9.21pm.


fabricating false evidence to include any  false  entry  or  electronic  records containing   a   false   statement.   The   word   electronic   record   is   creation   of this   digital   world.   When   the   electronic   record   is   comes   under    the preview  of  the  Indian  Penal   code,   then   most   of   the   offences   relating the   documents   which   are   committed   by   way   of   computer   are    comes under  the   jurisdiction   of   Indian   penal   code,   though   they   are   known   as a  cyber crimes.  Section  192  deals  with  the   fabricating   false   evidence, whenever  any  electronic  record  is  falsely  made  which   provided   for   the judicial proceeding then it amount to be fabricating false evidence.


This   offence   can   be   committed   by   using   the   computer   as    a   tool,   and then also it is subject to the  Indian   Penal   code,   apart   from   this   the crime  like  web-jacking,  threatening  emails  etc.  are  within  the  preview   of section 383 of Indian  Penal  code  dealing  with  the  extortion.  Whoever intentionally puts any person in fear of  injury  to that  person,   or  to  any other and thereby dishonestly induce  the  person  so  put   in   fear   to deliver any   property   or   valuable   security   or    anything   signed   or   sealed,   which may be converted into a valuable security, commits  extortion.  This  offence can   also   be   committed   by   sending   threading   emails,    Information technology  Act  provide  the  punishment  for  this   crime   but   it   can   be penalized under Indian Penal Code.



Fraud   on   the   internet   is   big   business.    Most   of   the   cyber    crimes   comes in  the  category  of  fraud,   but   the   Information   Technology   Act   has   not define the concept  of ifraud therefore most of the offences comes under the preview  of  the  Indian  Penal  Code.  Section  25  of  IPC  definitions fraudulently  as   a   person   is   said   to   do   a   thing   fraudulently   if   he   does that thing with intent to defraud but  not  otherwise.   The   IT   Act Section 66B    used   the   word   “dishonest    intention”   which   is    not   defined    in   the IT Act then one can  refer  to  IPC,  which  is  a  general  legislation  in  the area of criminal law.



When  any  cyber  fraud  is  committed   in   real   sense   it   would   be   cheating which  is defined  in  section  415  of  I.P.C.  when   any   person   makes   the cheating by using internet it is very easy to   him   to   hide   his   identity, this   act   perfectly   comes   it   the   offence   provided   under   section   416   of

I.P.C.  that  is   cheating   by   personation.   Apart   from   this various   cyber offences    are    relevant    under    the    sections    as    like    405,406,463,465    of

I.P.C.  even  the   launching   of   virus   is   provided   under   section   43   of I.T.ACT is comes under  the  preview  of     sec.     425     of     I.P.C.     The act of launching of virus and other computer contaminants, would


also  amount  to  criminal  offence   of   mischief.   If   the   essentials   of  mischief are satisfied it would be an offence too.



Thus,  the  Indian  Penal  Code  almost  covers  various  cyber  crimes,   but considering  the  needs  and  development   along   with   the   information Technology   Act   certain   important   amendments   made    in    Indian    Penal Code  in  2000.  The   amendments are   sought   to   bring   the   paperless transactions  under  the   preview   of   conventional   criminal   law.   This amendment  is  suitable  in  the   age   of   electronic   commerce.   Due   to amendment  the  Act   eliminated   the   basic   requirement   of   paperless   record and   documents   because   substantive   as   well   as   procedural   law,    Indian Penal   code,   1860,   Indian   Evidence   Act,   1872   and   even    Criminal Procedure Code.



In Indian  Penal  Code  the  certain  words  as  like  ‘computer  resources’  or ‘electronic record’ are  inserted  in  various  sections  as  like  section 119,167,173,175  etc.  Thus,  the  Indian  Penal  Code  covers  the  cyber   crime. Even   the   Criminal   Law   Amendment   Act   2013   has   inserted   certain sections,  which   are   covering   the   offences   which   are   going   to   be committed by using the computer or any communication device. Section

354 C deals with voyeurism and Section 354 stalking,  these  offences are subjected  to  the  internet  and  communication   device.   Therefore   the   cyber crime  though  new   kind   of   offences   are   subjected   to   the   Indian   Penal code. If we see the Section 354D. it is as following

Sec. 354D.  Stalking  –  (1)  Any  man  who-



  1. Follows   a   woman   and   contacts,   or   attempts   to   contact    such   woman to  foster  personal  interaction  repeatedly  despite   a   clear   indication   of disinterest by such woman; or
  2. Monitors  the  use   by   a   woman   of   the   internet,   email   or   any   other form of electronic communication, commits the offence of stalking.


Provided  that  such  conduct  shall  not  amount  to  stalking  if  the  man   who pursued it proves that-

  1. It  was  pursued  for   the   purpose   of   preventing   or   detecting   crime   and the   man    accused    of   stalking   had   been   entrusted   with   the   responsibility of prevention and detection of crime by the State; or


  1. It was pursued under  any  law  or  to  comply  with  any  condition  or requirement imposed by any person under any law; or
  2. In  the  particular   circumstances   such   conduct   was   reasonable   and justified.



  1. Whoever commits the  offence  of  stalking  shall  be  punished  on  first conviction  with  imprisonment  of  either  description  for  a  term  which   may extend   to   three   years,   and  shall   also   be   liable   to  fine;   and   be  punished on  a  second  or   subsequent  conviction,   with   imprisonment   of   either description   for   a   term   which   may   extend   to    five   years,   and   shall   also be liable to fine.



Thus,   the   Indian   penal   code   covers   the   cyber   crime.   There   are   various well  known  cyber  crimes,  which  are   not   contended   in   Information Technology Act, But that covers in the Indian Peal Code.



Cyber    crimes     in    Indian    Penal    Code



    1. Cyber Stalking



There   is   no   universally   accepted   definition   of   cyber   Stalking,   it   is generally  defined   as   the   repeated   acts   of   harassment   or   threatening behavior  of  the  cyber   criminal   towards   the   victim   by   using   Internet services. Stalking in General terms can be referred to as the repeated acts


of harassment targeting  the  victim  such  as  following  the  victim,  making harassing phone calls, killing the victims pet, vandalizing  victims property, leaving  written  messages  or  objects.  Stalking  may  be  followed  by  serious violent   acts   such   as   physical   harms   to   the   victim.    It    all   depends    on the  course   of   conduct  of  the  stalker.  It  is  made  punishable  under  section 354D of IPC.

    1. Cyber squatting



Cyber  squatting  is  the  obtaining   of   a   domain   name   in   order   to   seek payment   from   the   owner   of   the   trademark,   (including   business    name, trade  name,  or  brand  name),  and  may  include  typo   squatting   (where   one letter  is  different).  A  trademark  owner  can   prevail   in   a   cyber   squatting action  by  showing  that  the   defendant,   in   bad   faith   and   with   intent   to profit, registered a  domain  name  consisting  of  the  plaintiff's  distinctive trademark.   Factors    to   determine   whether   bad   faith    exists   are   the   extent to which the  domain  name  contains  the  registrant's  legal  name,  prior  use of the domain name in  connection  with  the  sale  of   goods   and   services, intent  to  divert  customers  from  one  site  to  another  and  use   of   false registration information and the registrant's

offer   to   sell   the   domain    name    back    to    the    trademark    owner    for more            than out-of - pocket expenses.

    1. Data Diddling



This kind of attack  involves  altering  the  raw  data  just  before  a  computer processes it and then changing it back after the processing is completed.

    1. Cyber    Defamation



Cyber   defamation   is   not   too   much   different   than   the   defamation   provided in  Sec.499  of  IPC  .it  is  nothing  but   any   derogatory   statement,   which designed  to  injure  a person's  business  or  reputation,  constitutes   cyber defamation. Defamation can be accomplished as libel or slander. Cyber


defamation   occurs   when   defamation   takes   place   with   the   help   of computers  or  the  Internet,  as   like,   someone   publishes   defamatory   matter about  someone  on  a  website  or  sends  e-mails  containing   defamatory information to all of that person’s friends.

    1. Trojan Attack



A  Trojan,  the  program  is  aptly  called   an   unauthorized   program   which functions from inside what  seems  to  be  an  authorized  program,  thereby concealing what it is actually doing.

    1. Forgery



Counterfeit   currency   notes,   postage   and   revenue   stamps,   mark   sheets   etc can  be  forged  using  sophisticated   computers,   printers   and   scanners.   It   is very   difficult   to   control   such   attacks.   For   e.g.   across    the    country students buy forged mark sheets for heavy sums to deposit in college.


    1. Financial   crimes



This   would   include   cheating,   credit   card   frauds,    money   laundering    etc. such  crimes  are  punishable  under  both  IPC   and   IT   Act.   Therefore   when suck crimes takes place, both laws  can  be  attracted.  A   leading   Bank   in India was cheated to the extent of 1.39  corers  due  to  misappropriation  of funds  by  manipulation  of  computer   records regarding   debit   and   credit accounts.


    1. Internet time  theft



It  is  nothing  but  one  kind  of  cheating,  where  the  internet  is   tool   for committing this   crime.   This   can   notes   the   usage   by   an    unauthorized person  of  the  Internet  hours   paid   for   by   another   person.   This   kind   of cyber  crime  was  unheard  until   the   victim   reported   it.   This   offence   is usually covered under IPC and the Indian Telegraph Act.

    1. Virus/worm   attack



Virus  is  a  program   that   attaches   it   selves   to   a   computer   or   a   file   and then   circulates   to   other   files   and   to   other    computers    on    a   network. They usually affect the data on a computer,  either  by  altering   or   by deleting  it.  Worms,   unlike   viruses   do   not need   the   host   to   attach themselves They merely make functional copies of  themselves and  do  this repeatedly  until  they  eat  up   all   the   available   space   on   a   computer's memory.  This   is   one   kind   of   trespass   in   the   conventional   crime.   Though it is purely a cyber crime, It covers under the Indian Penal code.

    1. E-mail spoofing



It   is   a   kind   of   e-mail   that   appears   to   originate    from    one    source although it has actually been sent from another source. Such kind of


crime  can  be  done  for  reasons   like   defaming   a   person   or   for   monetary gain  etc.   E.g.   if   A   sends   email   to   B’s   friend   containing   ill   about   him by spoofing B’s email address, this  could  result  in  ending  of relations between B and his friends.

    1. Email bombing



Email  bombing  means  sending  large  amount  of  mails  to   the   victims   as   a result of which their account or mail server crashes.  The  victims  of  email bombing  can   vary from   individuals   to   companies   and   even   the   email service   provider.   This   is   one   kind   of  the   mischief,   where  in  the   account or server is subject to destructs.

    1. Salami attack



This  is  basically  related  to  finance  and  therefore  the   main   victims  of   this crime are the financial institutions. This   attack   has   a   unique   quality   that the  alteration  is  so  insignificant  that   in   a   single   case   it   would   go completely   unnoticed.   E.g.   a   bank   employee   inserts   a   program   whereby

a    meager     sum    of

Rs    3    is    deducted    from



Such    a

small     amount    will

not    be    noticeable     at    all.




such     merger     from     all     the     account     holders     collect     huge     amount.

This  is  purely  a criminal breach   of   contract.


    1. Web Jacking



This  term  has  taken   from   the   word   hijacking.   Once   a   website   is   web jacked   the owner   of   the   site   looses   all   control   over   it.   The    person gaining such kind of an access is   called   a   hacker   who   may   even   alter or destroy any  information  on   the   site.   As   it   is one   kind   of   hacking, but the IT Act has not use the word hacking   specially,   but   deals with the various kind of  unauthorized  access  or  tampering  with  the  computer resources,  IT  Act  cannot  cover  all   kind   of   hacking   therefore   IPC   is generally applicable to such kind of the unauthorized access.


These  are  the  offences,  which  are  subject  to  the   Indian   Penal   code   and without the general principles of criminal law  and  specially  Indian  Penal Code;  cyber  law  cannot  work  in  India.  However,  the  nature  of  offences changes, the base of the crime is  quite  same.  Therefore,  IPC   is   having wider scope even in conventional crime and the cyber crime in India



  1. Indian    Evidence    Act    and    Criminal    procedure    Code



These  are  two  important  procedural  laws  in  Indian  legal  system.  Both  are dealing  with   the   procedure   of   criminal   proceeding.   Due   to   increasing crimes of fraud through the computer and  internet,  these  Act  are  also required to amend and make suitable for the information  technology  age. Considering  the  need  equired  changes  have   been   made   in   the   Indian Evidence Act, Indian Penal Code  and  Criminal Procedure   Code   by   the Indian  Parliament  on  December   23,   2008   with   the   passing   ofiAmended IT   Bill   2006.   In   Indian   Evidence   Act,   Section    3    relating    to interpretation  clause  words  'Digital  Signature'   and   'Digital   Signature Certificate',  the  words  'Electronic  Signature'  and   'Electronic   Signature Certificate' are substituted.

In  Criminal  Procedure   Code,   after   Section   198   A20,   Section   198   B   has been   inserted   according   to   which,   "No   Court    shall   take    cognizance    of an  offence  punishable  under   Sections   417,   419   and   502   of   the   Indian Penal Code, except upon a complaint made   by   the   person   aggrieved   by the  offence".  Moreover  in  the  Indian  Penal   Code   the   meaning   of   some words like "offences" and "computer resource" has


been  made  more  exhaustive  which  take  colour  from  the  IT   Act,   2000.   It shows that India  is  successful  in  facing  new  challenges  of  IT.  Many amendments have been made in the Copy Right Act on the argument



20 Section 198 A of Cr. P.C. 1973


that  certain   knowledge   should   be   treated   as   private   property   and   capable of 'Ownership'. Considering the requirement of  society  now,  cyber  law  is providing a worth in administration of justice.

  1. Cyber laws  in  India.



Apart  from  the  Information   Technology   Act   and   Indian   Penal   Code,   there are certain laws and regulations, which  deal  with  the  cyber  crime.  Even certain civil laws are relevant in certain misuse in cyber  space.  However, generally the fraud is there  in cyber  crime,  therefore  it  concerns  with  the criminal   law,   otherwise   even   Law   of   Tort is   also   relevant   and    can provide   the   remedy   to   unauthorized   use   of   the   computer   and internet. Apart   from   The   Information   Technology   Act   2000    and    Indian    Penal Code    1860,   there   are   various   other   laws   relating   to   cyber    crime   in India. They are as following.

  1. Common Law  (governed  by  general  principles  of  law)



  1. The Bankers’  Book  Evidence  Act,  1891



  1. The Reserve  Bank  of  India  Act,  1934



  1. The    Information    Technology    (Amendment)    Act,    2008    and    2009



  1. The     Information    Technology     (Removal     of    difficulties)    Order,    2002



  1. The     Information    Technology     (Certifying    Authorities)     Rules,     2000



  1. The     Information    Technology     (Certifying     Authorities)    Regulations,     2001



  1. The     Information    Technology     (Securities     Procedure)    Rules,    2004



  1. Various laws  relating  to  IPRs.


Thus,   the   Indian   legal   system   is   having   various    laws    concerning    the cyber  crimes.  But  the  nature  of  the  cyber  crime   is  technical,  therefore  it require the technical process to execute the  criminal   law   in   proper   sense. The technical process is lacking in   Indian   legal   system,   therefore   though the substantive criminal law is sufficient, but due  to  lacking  in  procedural aspect its unable to execute it in India. The  basic  problem in  the  cyber crime  is  that,  there  is   specific   manner   by   which   the   internet   can   be misuse;  it  is  on  the  criminals,  that  they   always   misuse   it   in   different manner, therefore

it  is  not  possible  to  the  legal  system  to   meet   with  the need. Apart from this, the nature of  cyber   crime   is   transnational,   therefore it  required  the   international   co-operation.   Mere   making   laws   is   not sufficient,   cyber   law   cannot   work   without   the   international   co-operation. The  Information  Technology  Act  2000  and  all  the  related  laws   having provision  regarding  the  transnational  jurisdiction,  but  execution   is   possible when   all   countries   in  the  world  recognized   that  act   as  a  crime,  and  allow the proceeding on that aspect.


CHAPTER-III INVESTIGATION                                  IN   CYBER   CRIME




In   criminal   matters,   there   are   different   stages   of   criminal   proceeding. Inquiry and trial are the stages where  the   courts   are   concerns.   Inquiry, which   is   much   wider   term,   So   for   as   the   trial   is   concerns   regarding crime only, but inquiry is deals with   any act   whether   it   is   crime   or   not, in   other   words   after   completion   of   inquiry,   trial    begins of    those    act which   are   crimes.   However,   the   inquiry   and   trial   can   takes    place whenever   investigation   is    completed.   The   Investigation,   inquiry   and   Trial are  three  different  stages  of  criminal  proceeding.  The   first   stage   is investigation, in which when Police get   information   of   any   crime,   subject to  the  order  of  magistrates  or  without   order   of   magistrates,   brings   the criminal  law  in   operation   to   find   out   the   truth,   investigation   is   starting point  of  criminal  law,  its  effectiveness   needed   for   implantation   of   any criminal law.



There cannot be uniform process  of  investigation.  The  investigation  officers has  to  apply  different  techniques  while  investigation  of   any   crime. Investigation   is   skill   and   therefore   it   requires   a   special   knowledge regarding  the  subject  matter,  in  which  the  investigation   officers   is investigating.  Offences  whether  conventional  or  the cyber  crime,  the   same things  are  require  that  is  nothing  but  the  techniques.  In   case   of ioffences where  the  offenders  uses  special  tool,  that  can   investigate   by   using   the special techniques and expertise in that subjects.



The  Code  of  Criminal  Procedure  provides  the  general   procedure   for investigation  of  the   crime.  The   conventional   crime  is   investigated  by  using the regular methods. The law enforcement agencies were bound by some


basic rules and procedural aspect. There were established procedures  for investigation   and   prosecution   of   all   types   of   crimes.   In    case    of traditional   crimes,   various   physical    evidences    are   generally   available   on the   place   of   crime,   collection   of   such    physical    evidence   required   a   lot of common sense and little technical knowledge.

In  cyber  crime  investigation  certain  special   skill   and   scientific   tools   are require without   which   investigation   is   not   possible.   The    Indian    legal system  introduced  certain  special  provisions  while  investigating   the   cyber crime.   The   Information   Technology   Act,   2000   has   bound    to    amend certain   provision   of   Criminal   Procedure   Code   and   the   Evidence    Act. Along with this, certain new regulation has  enacted  by the  Indian  legal system to meet with the need of cyber crime investigation.

    1. Investigation



The  word  investigation  derived  from  the  Latin  word  “investigation”   which means  “to  trace  out  or  to  search   into”   means   nothing   but   find   out   the truth.  The   duty   of   investigation   officer   is   not   only   limited   to   the collection  of   evidence   on  the   basis   ofiwhich,   conviction   may   be   secured but   to   bring   out   the   real   unvarnished   truth.   The    investigation   in   simple is nothing but to bring the truth along  with  the   evidences.   It  is first  step while executing the criminal law in any matter.

When  any   information   regarding   crime   given   to   the   police,   then   what stages  police  takes,  is   call   investigation.   It   is   nothing   but   collecting evidences   regarding   the  incidents,   which    takes    place.    According    to Criminal   Procedure   Code   clause   (h)    of    section   2,    Investigation   includes all   the   proceedings   under   the   code   for   collection   of    evidence   conducted by  police   officers   or   by   any   person   other   than   magistrate   who   is authorized by the magistrate.

The Madras  High  Court  has  considered  the  term  investigation  in  extenso21.



21 Jumuna V. State of Bihar, (1974) 3 SCC 774


The Supreme Court, while construing the  term   investigation   has   observed that under the code, “investigation” generally of the following steps viz.

  1. Proceed to  the  spot.



  1. Ascertaining    all    the    facts    and    circumstances     of    the    case,



  1. Discovery and  arrest  of  suspected  offenders,



  1. Collections of evidence relating  to  commission  of  offence,  which  may consist of
    1. the     examination       of     various      persons      (Including      the     accuse)      and the reduction of  their  statements  in           writing, if the officer thinks fit,
    2. the     search      of     place      or     seizer      of     things      considering      necessary for               the investigation and to be produced at the trial, and



  1. Formation  of   opinion   as   to   whether   on   the   materials   collection,   there is case to place the accuse  before  the  magistrate  for  the  trial  and   if   so, taking  the  necessary  steps  for  the  same  by  filling  the  charge-sheet   under section 173.

Section   157   of   the   code   provides   the    procedure   for   investigation.   When the  officer-in-charge  of   police   station   suspects   the   commission   of   an offence,  from  statement  of  First  Information  report  or   on   the   magistrate directs   or   otherwise,   the   officer   or   any   subordinate   officer   is   duty-bound to   proceed   to   the   spot   to   investigate   facts  and  circumstances  of  the  case and  if  necessary   takes   measures   for   the   discovery and   arrest   of   the offender. It primarily consists of ascertaining facts  and  circumstances of  the case.  It  includes  all  the  efforts   of   a   police   officer   for   collection   of evidence:   proceeding    to   the   spot.    Investigation   includes    the    ascertaining of  facts  and  circumstances  along  discovery  and  arrest  of   the   suspected offender. It is collection ofievidence relating to the commission of offence.


It   may   consist   of   the   examination   of   various   persons    including    the accused   and   taking   of   their   statements   in   writing   and   the   search   of places or seizure of things considered  necessary   for   the   investigation   and to  be  produced  at   the   trial.   It   is   formation   of   opinion   as   to   whether on  the  basis  of   the   material,   collected   there   is   a   case   to   place   the accused   before   a   magistrate   for   trial   and   if   so,   taking    the   necessary steps   for   filing   the   charge-sheet.   The   investigation    ends   with   submission of  a  police  report  to  the  magistrate  under   section   173   of   the  code   this report   is   conclusion,   which an   investigation   officer   draws   based    on evidence collected.22








































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While  doing  investigation  generally  the  police  require  various  things,  however the requiring this are lacking in regular investigation as like;



  1. Police   are   quite   often   handicapped   in    undertaking    effective investigation   for   want   of   modern   gadgets   such   as   cameras,   video equipment  etc.  Forensic  science  laboratories  are  scarce   and   even   at   the district level; there is no lab, which can  render  timely  assistance  to  the investigating Police officer. Further, it  is  common  knowledge  that  there  is dearth  of  forensic   and   cyber   experts   in   police   departments   of   various States. The result is that Police heavily lean

towards  oral  evidence,   instead   of   concentrating   on   scientific   and circumstantial evidence.

  1. Sufficient  care  and  effort  is   not   devoted   for   examining   and   recording the  statements  of   witnesses.   Further,   promptness   in   this   regard   is   found to be wanting.
  2. The statements/FIRs/reports  recorded  are  not  fed  to  the  computer immediately either because  there  is  no  computer  network  or  there  is  no personnel trained in the job or for want of specific instructions.
  3. Sufficient  care  and  time  is  not  bestowed  in  drafting  the   final reports/charge-  sheets.  Defective   charge-sheets   without   narration   of   all relevant  facts  and   charge-sheets   unaccompanied   by   annexure   are   reported to  be  very  common  and  tend  to  delay  the  proceedings.  This  important document which is normally prepared  by   a   ‘Writer’   at   the   Police   Station, is  not  carefully   scrutinized   by   the Station   House   Officer.   The   ‘Writer’ posted  at  heavy  Police  Stations  is  overworked  and  can   hardly  spare   the needed time.
  4. The   photographs   of   accused   (not   to   speak   of   witnesses)   are   not affixed to the charge-sheets/arrest Memos  etc.  nor  even  the   identification marks   are   noted,   making   it   difficult   to   identify   the   accused    in    the course of trial or to trace the absconding accused.

The   purpose    of    criminal    investigation    is    to    find    out    the    truth    or


otherwise  of  the  allegation  made  in  the  first  information  report  and consequently Courts have  no  jurisdiction  or  authority  to  inquire  into  the allegation   made   in   the   first   information    report   for    quashing    the   same. On   completion   of   the   investigation,   a    charge-sheet    is    submitted, competent  court  may  take  cognizance  of  an  offence  if  disclosed  by   the material  collected  during   the   investigation   and   it   is   only   when   cognizance is taken that the court gets   the   jurisdiction   to   decide   on   the   merits’   of the  cases   of   the   respective   parts.   The   investigation   can   be   quashed   on that  ground  alone  as  any  case  of  mala   fides made   out   against   the investigation agency.


The  crimes,  therefore  the  Police  investigation  is  also   require   certain development in its working, and require to develop certain  technology  in every  aspect.   Due   to   the   information  technology  development,  generally  all the governmental offices working is turn towards the paperless working. In comparison  with   other   departments   of   the   government,   Police   department is still  following  the  age-old  way  of  official  working. Recently  some development takes place, and Indian Police system has introduce  certain technological development to reduce the paper work in the official working.

      1. Information   Technology    and    Investigation    machineries;



The  Indian  investigation  machineries  still   following   the   traditional   tools   for the   investigation.   Due   to   the   traditional   way   of   investigation,   the conviction   rate   is   quite   low   in   India.   The   police    system    is    still requiring  much  development  in  its   working.   Though   in   1980   and subsequently  certain  development  takes  place.  Police  and   the   crime investigation is the subject matter of the state. Maharashtra government has introduced  various  developments  in  the  department.   It   has   created   various new  branches  and  introduced   the   commission   head   in   the   metro   cities. Apart from this, the police  department  has   tried   to   develop   its   working by   using   the   information   technology.   In   order   to   make    use    of information technology Maharashtra police implemented the computerized


system called CIPA at police  station  and  CCIS  as  districts.  This  project introduced  the  information   technology   in   the   police   system.   Now   the various regular working  of  the  police  station  are  carried  by  using  the information technology of the computer.

In  order  to  make  use  of  information   technology   Maharashtra   police implemented  the  computerized  system  called   CIPA   at   police   station   and CCIS as districts.

  1. Common   Integrated    Police    Application   [CIPA]



CIPA   is   aimed   at   building   the    basic    infrastructure    and   mechanisms   for the  Crime  and   Criminal   Information   System,   based   on   Cr   P   C,   which is  uniform  across  the  country,  from   Police   Station   level   onwards.   CIPA being  a  National   project   is   to   be implemented   in   a   time-bound   manner from   police   station   level   onwards   for   computerization   of   police   records and  use  of  IT  in  their  functioning  on   a   uniform   basis   throughout   the country.

The national level  Central  CIPA  Implementation  Committee  comprising  of Director,  NCRB  and  representatives  from  the  Ministry   of   Home   Affairs (Police  Modernization  and  Union   Territories   Divisions),   NIC   (National Institute  of  Criminology)  and  Forensic  Science  and   States,   has   been constituted   to   monitor   the   implementation.   State   Crime   Records    Bureau and   State   Police   Training   Academies   are    conducting    State    Specific courses  in  this  connection   with   the   assistance   of   NIC.   NCRB   has introduced  two  advanced  courses  on  CIPA  in  its   training   calendar   for resource persons, who in turn will impart training and attend to trouble-

shooting in   the   States.


  1. Crime   Criminal    Information    System    [CCIS]



In  order  to  make  use   of   Information   Technology  the   Government   of   India has designed  Crime  Criminal   Information   System   [CCIS]   to   store   and retrieve crime and criminal records. This system has been upgraded to CCIS


Multi-Lingual web-enabled (CCIS MLe)   in   the   year   2005   with   facility   for

5 regional languages i.e. Marathi,  Gujarati,  Tamil,  Kannada  and  Gurmukhi, besides  English  and  Hindi.  Feature  of   crime  analysis   through   data warehousing   has   also   been   added.   The   application   has   been   web-enabled so   that   the   field   level   investigating   and   supervisory   officers    can   access the  CCIS  MLe  database  at  National  and  State  Levels  through  internet; anywhere - anytime.

Apart  from  this  the   other  projects   are   introduced  in   Maharashtra   with  intent to enhance the use of information technology in the working of police and investigation process23.   As   like   POLNET   and   the   FPB   (Finger    Print Bureau)  are  another  project  which  increased  the   use   of   information technology.  This  is  the  technological  development  in  the  investigation machinery,   Maharashtra   is   a   example   so   for   as   this   development introduced   in   the   Police   system,   considering   this,   some   other   state   of India   has   also   introduced   it   in   the   working   of    the    Police.    To investigate the crime  is  power  of  police,  or  the  executive  powers  are concentrated   to   the   police,   now   important   aspect   is   to   see,   how   the police  can  use  their   power   and   investigate   the   crime.   Initially   the technology   was   not   so   developed.   The   investigation   is   a   process,    where in  the  investigator  has  to  apply  his  mind  to  find  out  the   truth.   The investigator



cannot rely  on  any  specific  way,  he  has  to  apply  the different  techniques   not   always   scientific,   but   as   per   the   situation   apply his  mind  and   bring   out   the   truth   in   a   process. Along   with   the development,   the   legal   system   tries   to   provide   certain   technical    assistant to  the  investigation  machinery  by  introducing   certain   special   technical branches  as  like  finger  print   expert   etc.   Such   kind   of   technology   are require  in  the  present  days.   But   yet   the   investigation   machinery   is   quite less   expert   in   comparison   with   the   techniques   which   are   going   to   be used by the criminals, therefore the impact of this can be seen in


23 Prof. Hanmant N Renushe et al, Int. J. on Computer Technology & Applications, Vol. 3(3), 865-870


investigation of  technical  offences  as  like  the  cyber  crime.


4.1    Investigation     in    cyber    crime



In legal system execution of law  is  depend  on  the  executive.  The  criminal law can execute when the effective investigative machineries   are   available. In   India,   the   legal   system   provide   the    machineries    for    investigation, along  with  the  development,  various  new  wings  for   investigation   are established   in   India.   However,   cyber   crime   investigation   is   in   need   to find,  to  be  developing,   to   tackle   it   effectively.   The   legal   and judicial systems   of   India   also   need   to   adopt    as    per    the    contemporary information  technology  oriented   society.   However,   a   majority   of   cyber crimes  in  India  has  not  reported  due  to  ignorance.   Even   if   some   cyber crimes  had  reported,  but   they   are   not   properly  investigated  and  very  few such cyber crime cases reach to the court for trial.

In   the   absence   of   scientific   evidence   and   knowledge   and   proper   cyber crime  investigation,  there   are   very   few   cyber   crimes   convictions   in   India. In  fact,  the  Supreme  Court  of  India  is  hearing   many   Public   Interest Litigations  (PILs)  in  this  regard.  24Today,   with   the   advancement   of technology,  crimes  have  become  more  complex  and  criminals  more sophisticated, as their modus operandi is incomparable  to  the  traditional investigation methods. Information technology provides an opportunity to the criminals   to   commit   traditional   crimes   like   cheating,   fraud,   theft,   credit card  frauds,  embezzlement  of   bank   deposits,   industrial   and   political espionage,  cyber  terrorism   etc.   and   at   the   same   time   it   helps   in committing  nontraditional  and  information  technology  related   crimes   like attacks  against   the   security   of   critical   infrastructures   like   tele communication,  banking  and  emergency  services.  Such crimes  may   be committed   through   computer   networks   across    the    national    borders, affecting   not   only   individuals,   but   they   may   instead   result    in compromising the security and the economy of the nation.


24 last access on datedAPRIL 2023 .at about 1.00 pm



The  unique  feature  of  cyber  crime   has   rendered   the   traditional   procedural laws as   archaic   and   unsuccessful   in   resulting    into    conviction.    The problems  are   not   associated  with   procedure   of   the  trial   but  also   to  extent of  investigation  and  collection of  evidence.  The   traditional   rules   and procedures   of   investigation   and   evidence   collection  are  often  of  no  use  in the investigation of cyber crime. The  criminal  offence is  committed  in  one country  and  extent  to  the  other  country   and   even   to   several   another countries. The speed and accuracy  is  also  very  fast  and  perfect.  The characteristics  of   cyber   crime   have   raised   a   several   issue   and   implication in   the   pre-   trial   investigation   of   cyber    crime.    01The    task    of investigation   agency   is   much challenging   which   include    prevention    of crime,  collection  of  evidence,   production   of ievidence   before   the   court   , arrest of accuse, security of system etc.25



Computer crime requires adequate  expertise  for  investigation  by  expert investigating  officers.  So,  the  collection  of  evidence  and  the   investigation should be made by an investigation  team  to  carry  out  computer  crime investigation with personal skill and experience





In  India,  cyber  crime  investigation  is  done  by  the  superior   offices   of   the police.  The  Information  Technology   Act   2000   set   up   a   special   procedure for  investigation   and   further   proceeding   in   cyber   crime   contended   in   the IT   Act,   2000,   which   makes   cyber   crime    investigation    slow.    Under section  78  of  the   Act,   an   Inspector   shall   investigate   the   cyber   crime. Before the Amendment of 2008 in IT  Act, the  power  of  investigation  was confer on  the  Deputy  Superintendent  of  Police;  the  object  behind  this amendment is to bring the cyber crime for investigation in mainstream as


25 Laws on cyber crime: P.K.Singh (2007), Book Enclava Jaipur, Page 131.


like  a  conventional  crime.   This   Amendment   gives   power   to   the   inspector to  register and       investigate        the                 cyber             crime    as    like    another    crime.


3.2    Investigation     of    cyber    crime    and    challenges



3.3.1 Jurisdiction     and    problem



The  legal  system  is  base  on  the   notion   of   jurisdiction.   Jurisdiction   is important notion while execution of  any  law  in  any   country.   The   legal notion   of   jurisdiction   helps   to   define   and   determine   the   power   of    state to  regulate  people,  property  and  circumstances.  This   jurisdictional   power confers the legal power to  the  state  to  make the  laws  means  legislative power,  implement  the  laws  means  the  execution  and   adjudication   means judicial powers. These all things can perform  by  the  state  when  it has jurisdiction  on  the  thing  or  act.  Jurisdiction  is   of   two   kinds   that   are territorial and personal.



In  case  of   traditional   law   and   its   enforcement,   the   notion   of   jurisdiction is not much complex, it is easy to  the   state   to   execute   the   law   because it  can  execute   by   way of   territorial   jurisdiction   or   either   personal jurisdiction. Jurisdiction is important aspect because without  having  legal jurisdiction   the   investigation   agency   cannot   exercise   the   power   to investigate  the matter. While doing investigation,   investigation agency    has to  perform  various  things   as   like   search   and   seizer,   arrest   and   various other  things.  Therefore,   the   aspect   of   jurisdiction   is   most   important   in every investigation.





Since  national  boundaries  effectively  disappear   when   considering   many computer  crimes,  jurisdiction  is   another   complicated   matter.   While   a complete examination of jurisdictional issues is beyond the scope of this


work, it merits comment that countries differ in civil and  criminal  offences standards, substantive and procedural law, data collection and  preservation practices, and other evidentiary and juridical factors. Moreover, it is often ambiguous   as   to   whose   responsibility   it   is   to   address   a   particular   crime or  spearhead   an   investigation,   or   how   best   to   collaborate   through extradition and mutual assistance policies. This plays out not  only  on  an international   level,   but   also   within   nations    where    multiple    law enforcement departments are implicated.



However,   the   explosion   of   internet   has   created   significant    challenges   for the traditional notion  of  territoriality  and  other  established  jurisdictional principles.  The  nature  of  cyber  crime   is   different   than   the   conventional crime.   Basically   the   mode   of icommitting   the    cyber    crime    is    different, for    cyber    crime     physical     presence     of     the   accused    is    not    required at  the  place  of  crime.   Due   to   this   nature   the   traditional   notion of jurisdiction  is   required  to   be   changed.  The   traditional   notion   of  jurisdiction is based on territorial theory  and  physical  presence  theory.  The   territorial theory  protect  the   territorial   integrity   of   the   state,   it   empowers   to investigate  and  inquire   any   crime   within   the   territory   of   the   said   state. In  physical  presence  theory,   a   presence   of   the   person   or   property   in   a state  is  a   basic   ground   upon   which   a   legal   authority   exercises its jurisdiction  over  a   accused.   But   cyber   crime   is   quite   different   therefore both these theories can be useless in certain situations.

      1. Impact of  the  internet  upon  the  territorial  notions  of  jurisdiction:



Introduction  of  new  technology  and  in   particular   the   internet   has   brought about  important  change  to  the  way  people  interact   and   conduct   in   the society.   In   the   famous   Burger   Kings   case,   a   U   S   Court   observed   that



It  is  an  inescapable   fact   of   modern   commercial   life   that   a   substantial amount   of   commercial   business   is   transacted   solely   by   mail   and   wire


communication  across  State  lines,  thus  obviating  the  need   for   physical presence within a state in which a business is conducted.

The  emergence  of  the   internet   based   activates   has   challenged   above mentioned foundation of traditional jurisdiction. Internet communications  cut across  state  boundaries  creating  a  new  realm  of  human   activates   and weakening  the  legitimacy  ofiapplying  laws   based   on   territorial   borders26. Some  territorially-based  law  makers   and   law   enforcements   authorities   find this new environment threatening. A state  is territorial  in  nature  while  the internet  has  no  strict  relation   to   territorial   boundaries.   For   example,   a website   can   generally   be   viewed   by   any   one   (with    access    to    a computer   and   modem),   at   any   time,   in   any   part   of    the    globe.   This tents  to  make  the  location  of  the  site  less  relevant  but   broadens   the geographic reach of a business.



Cyber  space  radically  undermines  the   relationship  between  legally  significant (but  on  line)  Phenomena  and  physical  location.  The  rise   of   the   global computer    network   is   eroding   the   link   between   geographical   location   and the following:

  1. The power  of  local  governments  to  assert  control  over  online  behavior;



  1. The effects  of  online  behaviors  on  persons  or  property  ;



  1. The      legitimacy       of      the      efforts      of      a      state      to      enforce      rules applicable         to         global phenomena; and
  2. The ability of physical location to give notice of  which  sets  of  rules apply ,



A  state   is   territorial   in   nature   while   the   internet   has   little   or   no   relation


26 Judicial Jurisdiction in the Transnational Cyberspace: Dr. Bimal Raut (2004) New Era Law Publication. Page 42.


to  territorial  boundaries.   Investigation   of   any   crime   is   start   when   the agency having jurisdiction. None of  the  traditional  theories  underpinning  the notion   of   jurisdiction,   The   traditional   theories   of   jurisdiction   are inapplicable to the internet because:


  • Material posted  on  the  internet  have  a  world-wide  audience;


  • It is  easy  to  move  a  website  from  one  territory  to  another












but     directed




in      another geographic     location:



  • Part

of    the

of    the    website     may    be    hosted    in    one website are hosted in another location:

area     while     other



  •       It    is    not    always    possible    to    determine    whether    a    website    or    user    is located.


Then  the  issue  is  that  whether  the  global  nature   of   internet   can   be   the subject  matter   of   the   traditional   notion   of   jurisdiction   Though   the procedural  laws  has  provided  certain  clauses  that  can  be  use   while investigating  the  cyber   crime.   Certain   new   provisions   of   the   laws   are useful but not effect as require in the present days.



The   same   issue   was   discussed   in   the    High   Level    Consultation    Meeting for  formulation  of   a   National   Policy   and   Action   Plan   for   Enforcement of  Cyber   law,   at   New   Delhi   on   31,   Jan   2010.   Where   in   Mrs.Karnika Seth  has  contended  that   major   challenge  in  enforcement  of  cyber  laws  is posed by the fact that there are no territorial boundaries  in  the  Cyberspace and  there  are  heterogeneous  laws   across   the   globe.   A   very   radical   and direct   way   to   solve   the   question   would   be   giving   an   entity   supra- national  powers  on  cybercrime  matters,   thereby   abolishing   borders   and creating a single, global, cyber-jurisdiction. However, this seems to be


highly    unrealistic     and    a    virtual    myth27.























































27 last   access on dated 19/10/2015 at 9.30 pm.


Thus  the  starting  point  that  jurisdiction  is   the   main   problem   while investigating   the   cyber   crime,   and   the   same   issue   was   a   big   hurdle   in a  famous  case  known   “Love   Bug”.   Therefore,   the   legal   system   has   to think  regarding  the  problem  of jurisdiction,  without  which   investigation   of cyber crime cannot done effectively.



Considering  the   problem   of   jurisdiction   the   Criminal   procedure   code   and IPC is amended at time of enactment of  the  Information  Technology  Act 2000, which has provided regarding the jurisdiction.  Chapter  XIII  contents section   178-186   and   the   section188   which   are   meant   to    enlarge    the ambit of the “local Jurisdiction” in  which the  inquiry  or   trial   of   the offences   might   take   place.   Apart   from   dealing   with   the    offences committed  within  India,  the  Cr  .P.   C.   also   supplements   Section   4   IPC which contains the extension of the IPC to extraterritorial offences.



The amended Section gives jurisdiction  to  the  Indian  Court  if  the  affected computer  recourse  situated  in  India.  The  procedure   to   be   followed   is   as given  under  section  188  Cr.   P.   C.   and   I   T   Act   Section   2(I).   The combined rules  given  under  this  section  depict  the  legitimate  right  of  a sovereign  state  on   its   citizens,   not   only   on   its   lands  but  also  beyond  it, that is on any foreign land. Thus, the  amendment  somewhere try   to   provide the  jurisdiction,  but  the  execution   of   this   section   is   still   not   possible without the co operation by the other  State.  Therefore,  the  International co-operation  is   the   immediate   need   for   resolving   the   problem    of jurisdiction in case of the Cyber Crime investigation.

      1. Electronic/   Digital    Evidences



Evidence  is   the   means   by   which   facts   relevant   to   the   guilt   or   innocence of  an individual  at  trial  are  established.  Electronic  evidence   is   all   such material  that  exists  in electronic,  or  digital,  form.   It   can   be   stored   or transmit. It can exist in the form of computer files, transmissions, logs,


metadata,  or   network   data.   Digital   forensics   is   concerned  with  recovering

–  often  volatile  and  easily  contaminated  –   information   that may   have evidential  value28.  Forensics  techniques  include  the  creation  of  ‘bit-for-bit’ copies   of   stored   and   deleted   information,   ‘writeblocking’   in   order    to ensure   that   the   original   information   is   not    changed,    and    cryptographic file  ‘hashes’,  or  digital  signatures,  that  can   demonstrate   changes   in information.  Almost  all  countries  reported some   digital   forensics   capacity. Many responding  countries,  across  all  regions,  however,  note  insufficient numbers   of   forensic   examiners,    differences    between    capacity   at   federal and   state   level,   lack   of   forensics   tools,   and   backlogs   due    to overwhelming  quantities  of  data  for   analysis.   One-half   of   countries   report that suspects make use of encryption, rendering  access  to  this  type  of evidence difficult and time-consuming without the decryption key.





Indian  evidence  Act   is   applicable   to   civil   and   criminal   cases.   In   cyber crime  the  evidence  may  be  in  any  form  including  electronic  or   digital evidence.  Digital   evidence   is   any   information   stored   or   transmitted   in digital  form  that  a  party  to   the   case   may   use   it   in   the   trial.   Whenever any  digital  evidence  is  going  to  submit   in   the   court   of   law,   before accepting  it,   Court   will   determine   if   the   evidence   is   relevant,   whether   it is  admissible.   Court   also   determine,   whether   it   is   hearsay   and   whether a copy is acceptable or original is required.



In  conventional   crime,   the   evidences   generally   find   on   the   spots   of incidents but in  case  of  electronic  evidence,  it  can  be  find  in  digital photographs,  e-mails,  ATM  transactions.  Due  to  the   enhancement   in technology,  various   software’s   developed,   in  every   field.   Initially   the accounts are going to maintain in the hard copy or account books; now


28 Cybercrime: Talat Fatima, (2011) Eastern Book Company Lucknow. Page 356.


account   and   calculation   data   can   save   from   accounting   program.   Even now, electronic  doors  are  invented,  therefore  in  case  of  any  incidents  or offences   the evidences   any   be   available   but   in    the    digital    form. Therefore,  a  computer   forensics   branch   is   comes   into   existence.   The   goal of  computer  forensic  is  to  explain  the  current  state  of   a   digital   artifact. Digital  artifact  includes  hard  disk   or   CD-ROM   and   JPEG.   Considering the need the concept of evidence has undergone change  and  now this document in electronic form is recognize as evidence.

The   Amendment   in   Evidence   Act,   1872   bring   the   electronic   document under   the   preview   of   evidence.   The   definition   of   documentary   evidence has   amended   to   include   all   documents   including    electronic    record produced  for  inspection  by  the  court.  Section   3   of   Indian   Evidence   Act, 1872 defines evidence as, Evidence means an  includes  1)  All  statements which  the  court   permit   or   require   to   made   before   it   by   witness   in relation to  matter  of  fact  under  inquiry;  such  statements  are  called  oral evidence; 2) All documents including electronic  records  produced  for  the inspection of the court. Such documents are  called  documentary   evidence. The  term  electronic  record  in   evidence   act   and   the   term   date   in Information Technology Act is having same meaning.



For  the  admissibility  of  the  electronic  record  the  Amendment   in   Indian Evidence  Act  in   the   year   2000,   includes   certain   new   section   as   Section 65A and 65B and these sections provides that  the  contents  of  electronic records   may   be   proved   in   the  court   of   Law.   Thus,  the   Indian  Evidence Act, which is applicable to conventional crime and  the  cyber  crime  are considering in same manner, whether it  is  cyber  crime or  the  conventional crime.  Only  due  to  the  digital   nature   of   the   evidences,   the   rules   of evidences  are  requiring  to   be   change.   The   Section   17   of   the   Indian Evidence   Act   which   deals   with   admission,    now   it   include    the   statement in  electronic  form  which  suggest  an  inference  to   fact   at   issue   or   of relevancy. This amendment is  made  purely to  create   the   validity   to   the digital evidence. New Section 22A has inserted in Indian Evidence Act,


1872  with  intent  to  provide  the  relevancy  of  oral  evidence  regarding  the content  of  electronic  record.  It   provides   that   oral   admissions   regarding the contents of electronic record are not relevant unless  the  genuineness  of the electronic records produced is in question.



Therefore,  for  the   digital   evidence   is   concern   these   two   sections   Section 65A and 65B are introduced in Indian evidence   Act,   for   the   relevancy of  the  electronic  evidence  in   court   proceeding.   Section   65A   provides   that the contents of electronic  record  may  be  proved  in  accordance  with  the provisions  of   section   65B.   Section   65B provides   that   notwithstanding anything  contended  in  the  Indian  Evidence  Act,  1872  any   information contended  in  an  electronic  form  is  deemed  to  be  a  document   and   it admissible in  evidence  without  further  proof  of  the  original’s  production provided that the condition set out in section 65B are satisfied.

To  understand  the  scope   of   the   section   65   B,   all   the   clauses   of   this section  are required  to  seen,  which   provides   how   the   evidence   Act recognized the electronic evidence.

Sec.  65B  (1):  Notwithstanding   anything   contained   in   this   Act,   any information contained in an electronic record -29

  • which is  printed  on  a  paper,  stored,  recorded  or



  • copied in  optical  or  magnetic  media



  • produced by  a  computer



  • shall  be  deemed  to  be  also  a  document,   if  the  conditions   mentioned  in this section are satisfied
  • in relation  to  the  information  and




29 Section 65B Indian Evidence Act, 1872


  • computer in  question  and



  •        shall     be     admissible      in     any     proceedings,     without     further     proof     or production   ofithe          original,
  • as    evidence            of    any    contents    of    the    original     or    of    any    fact    stated therein ofiwhich direct evidence would be admissible.

Sec. 65B  (2):



The  computer  from  which  the  record   is   generated   was   regularly   used   to store or process information in respect   of   activity   regularly   carried   on   by a   person   having  lawful  control  over  the   period,  and  relates  to  the   period over which the computer was regularly used;

Information  was   fed  in  computer  in  the   ordinary  course  of  the   activities  of the person having lawful control over the computer;

The  computer  was  operating   properly,   and   if   not,   was   not   such   as   to affect the electronic record or its accuracy;

Information  reproduced  is  such  as  is  fed   into   computer   in   the   ordinary course of activity.





The    following    computers    shall    constitute    as    single    computer-



    • by    a    combination    of    computers    operating    over    that    period;    or


    • by    different    computers    operating    in    succession    over    that    period;    or


    • by    different    combinations     of    computers     operating     in    succession     over that period;    or


Cyber  space  is  boundary  less  world,  which   cannot   divide   in   particular countries  or  territories  as  like  the  physical  world.    Cyber  space  is  subject matter of the users, because it available to anyone  who  is  having  access  of the internet or computer. However, it   is   duty   of   legal   system   to   protect the   rights   of   their   citizens   in   the   cyber   space.   A    safe    and    secure online  environment  enhances   trust   and   confidence   and   contributes   to   a stable   and   productive   community.   In   initial   period   the    countries,    which are   having   the   more   territory   and   the   strong   power    to    protect    are known  as  powerful  countries.  However,  now  the  position   has   undergone change. In this age of iinformation technology the countries,   which   is   having latest techniques about internet, are call  the  powerful  country.  Due  to  this situation, small countries got important position due to the techniques.



Information   and   communications   technology   (ICT)   is   an   integral    part   of our  daily  lives.  Whether  people  have  a  computer   at   home,   use   online banking  services  or simply  receive  electricity   supplies,   the   community's reliance on technology is  increasing.  Government  and  business  also  take advantage   of   opportunities   for   economic    development    through    increased use  of  information  technology  and   a technology   aware   population   with internet connections locally and overseas.



Cyber   crime   is   not   a   national   problem   but   it   is    a   problem   found   all over  the  world.   The   international   access   to   information   and   mobility   of data is one of the most important functions  of   world   economic   system. One of the peculiar characters of the cyber  crime   is   that   its   impact   is very   wider   than   the   conventional   crime   .A   criminal    act    committed    in one  part   of   the   world   may   cause   impact   at   some   other   part   of   the world.  In  view  of  reach  of  the   cyber   crime,   entire   world   has   virtually turned  in  to  a  small  village.  Another  feature  is  that   the   criminalization increase  in  the  cyber  crime  is uniform  all  around  the  world.   The   basic problem in the implementations of the cyber crime in the global


perspective  is  that  the  act  is   crime   in   one   country   and   not   crime   in another  country  ,  that   create   the   basic   problem,   the   same   problem   was faced   in   the   famous   case   of   ‘love   bug”   case   where   in    the    citizen   of the  Philippines  cannot   be   convicted.  Now  the   enactment   of   the   cyber  law has  resolve  the  said  problem,  now   any   person   who   committee   crime anywhere and damage the computer of  any  counters,   he can   be   held   liable to the offence.

    1. Global perspective



In  present  day’s  everyone  is  liable   to   promote   a   safe   and   reliable environment  in   cyberspace   world,   in   the   context   of   an   emerging information society. The  information  technology  is  developed,  due  to development  in  the  Information  technology,  the  world  becomes   a   global village,  distance   between   the   countries   has   drastically   undergone   change, and this technology allows easy   access.   The   gift   of   the 20th   century    is the   internet,   which   connected   the   entire   world   but   along   with    easy access,  internet   provide   easy   way   to   the   cyber   criminals   for   committing the  crime  from  any  corner  of  the  world.  Thus,  cyber  crime   has   the omnipotent  characteristics  and   therefore,   it   can   have   victims   anywhere   in the  world.   It   is   now   essential   that   all   those   persons,   who   deals   with cyber world, must have some idea  about  as  to  what  acts constitute  cyber crime  in   the   different   countries   of   the   world.   Therefore,   the   entire countries  of  the   world   have   prepared   the   cyber   laws   as   per   their   need and ability to execute it.



Since  impact  of   cyber   crime   is   unbounded,   any   effort   made   at   national level   have   to   meet   international   coverage   of    sake    of    effective containment   of   cyber   crime   and   protecting   the   interest   of   the   society. Such situation necessitates understanding of iglobal legal response relating to the   cyber   crime.   The   discoveries    and   the   inventions    both    constructive and  destructive  are  very  rapid  all  around  the  world.   In   absence   of international cooperation, it will not be possible for any country to


know    the    recent    advances    in    the    other    country.





















In  every  legal   system,   which   accepts   the   democratic   form   of   government, the Judiciary plays an important role.  It  is  most  important  wing  of  the government,  which resolves  the  conflicts  among  the  parties.  For   the development   of   the   society,   the   smooth   and    powerful    adjudicative authority   is   required.   The   changing   nature   of   the    society   increases   the role  of  the  adjudicatory  authority  in  the  present  days.   In   the   era of Information  and  technology,  the  criminals  are  using   new   technology   to commit the crime. Therefore, appropriate judicial approach  towards  the technological  offences  is required   for   prevention   of   the   crime.   For   the proper working of the judiciary the  rules of  jurisdiction  plays  an   important role. The main problem that is  going  to  face  in  case of  cyber  crime  is concern with the jurisdiction. India is a developing country..



In   India,   there   is   only   one   set   of   court,   which   administers   national   as well as state laws. The constitution has by Article 247, clothed


parliament   with   power   to    provide   for   the   establishments   of   additional court for the better administration of  law made  by  the   parliament  and   of any existing law with respect to the matter  enumerated in  the   union   list. The courts in India are generally controlled by the state30.
















































30 Cyber Crime law & Policy Perspectives: Dr. Mrs.K.Sita Minikyan (2009) Hind Law House Pune. Page 198.


Recently  the  Indian   legal   system   has   established   certain   tribunals,   which deals with certain special matters as like  the  recovery  of  debt,  or  certain tribunals  for  Income   tax   etc,   but   lastly   the   all   tribunals   are   subjects   of the  judicial  review  of  High  Court  and   Supreme   Court.   Therefore,   the judiciary plays an important role  in  all  laws. However  the   basic   problem arise when  the  offences  are  of  that  nature  which  require  the  technical knowledge  to   understand   the   nature   of   the   act   whether   it   is   an   offence or not. Due to this nature  of  cyber  crime,  the   legal   system   is   facing various  problems.   The   laws   are   insufficient   but   the   policy   and   the operative system facing the difficulty of  lack  of  knowledge.  In  case   of judicial perspective, the basic question arising regarding the jurisdiction.



The  conventional  law   as   like   Indian   Penal   Code   and   the   procedural   law that  Code  of  Criminal  Procedure  has   provide   provisions   regarding   the territorial   and   extra territorial   jurisdiction,   but   the   basic    nature    of    the cyber  crime  somewhere  require  something  more  than  the  provided   rules therefore some reformations are   required.   If we   see   the   decided   cases   on the cyber crime, we can find that whenever the provision of Information Technology Act, is attracted  then  along  with  that  certain  provisions  of conventional  criminal  law,   that   is   the   Indian   Penal   Code   is   also   attracted so it  shows  that  the  cyber  crime  is  nothing  but  the  expansion  of  the conventional law.

5.1 Court’s   Jurisdiction   in   Internet   Disputes



Jurisdiction  is  one  of   the   debatable   issues   in   the   case   of  cyber   crime   due to the universal nature of the cyber crime.  The  problem  of  jurisdiction   is not  only  concern  in investigation  process  but   may   arise   in   the   trial proceeding  also.  With  the  ever-growing  arm   of   the   cyber   space,   the territorial  concept  seems  to  vanish.   New   Methods   of   dispute   resolution should  give  way  to  the  conventional  methods.  Thus,  the   Information Technology Act, 2000 is silent on these issues.



Cyber  Crime  cannot   be   territorial   but   global   because   internet   is   network of  networks  as  we  have  seen  earlier.  It  has  wide  range   of   functioning; limiting  it  to  physical  boundaries  is   not   possible.   Thus   even   in  case   of cyber crime their might be a possibility  where  extra  territorial  jurisdiction arises.


Jurisdiction  plays   a   vital   role   for   undertaking   a   successful   criminal procedure. Dealing with the  issue  of  cyber  crime   it   has   been   noted   that even   when   investigating  officer   succeeds   in   establishing    geographical identity  of  an  accused  of  cyber  crime,  officer  has  to  face  many  other difficulties  in  pursuing  his  investigation,   such   as   an   accused   may   fall beyond  the  jurisdictional  powers  of  criminal  justice  system.   In   the   cyber world   where   speed   is   an    essence,   any   attempt   to   acquire   such    consent of courts or cooperation will thwart any  chance  of  identifying  the   culprits and collecting evidence of the crime.



The  Doctrine  of  ubiquity  aims  determining   the   place   of   commission. According  to  this  doctrine,  the  offence  will  considered   to   have   been committed in its entirety within a  country’s  jurisdiction,  if  one  of  the constituent  elements  of   the   offence   or  the   ultimate   result   occurred   within the  country’s  territorial  limit.   Common Law   countries   also   use   effects doctrine  in  addition  to  focusing  on  the  physical  act.  The   doctrine   locates crime   in   the   territory   where   it   intended   to   commit   or   actually    took place.  Territoriality  might  grant   jurisdiction   to   many   countries   in   single cyber crime.



Though  S.  75  provides  for  extra-territorial  operations   of   this   law,   but they  could  be  meaningful  only  when  backed  with   provisions   recognizing orders  and  warrants  for  Information  issued  by  competent  authorities  outside their jurisdiction and measure for cooperation‘s for exchange of material


and evidence of computer crimes between law enforcement   agencies. evidence and its appreciation before the court. Apart from this, there is

no    difference between the cyber crime  and   the   conventional   crime.














In  every  legal   system,   which   accepts   the   democratic   form   of   government, the Judiciary plays an important role.  It  is  most  important  wing  of  the government,  which resolves  the  conflicts  among  the  parties.  For   the development   of   the   society,   the   smooth   and    powerful    adjudicative authority   is   required.   The   changing   nature   of   the   society   increases   the role of the adjudicatory authority in the present days.



In   India,   there   is   only   one   set   of   court,   which   administers   national   as well   as   state   laws.   The   constitution   has   by   Article   247,    clothed parliament   with   power   to    provide   for   the   establishments   of   additional court for the better administration of  law made  by  the   parliament  and   of any existing law with respect to the matter  enumerated in  the   union   list. The courts in India are generally controlled by the state31.

Recently  the  Indian   legal   system   has   established   certain   tribunals,   which deals with certain special matters as like  the  recovery  of  debt,  or  certain tribunals for Income tax etc, but lastly the all tribunals are subjects of



31 Cyber Crime law & Policy Perspectives: Dr. Mrs.K.Sita Minikyan (2009) Hind Law House Pune. Page 198


the  judicial  review  of  High  Court  and   Supreme   Court.   Therefore,   the judiciary plays an important role  in  all  laws. However  the   basic   problem arise when  the  offences  are  of  that  nature  which  require  the  technical knowledge  to   understand   the   nature   of   the   act   whether   it   is   an   offence or not. Due to this nature  of  cyber  crime,  the   legal   system   is   facing various  problems.   The   laws   are   insufficient   but   the   policy   and   the operative system facing the difficulty of  lack  of  knowledge.  In  case   of judicial perspective, the basic question arising regarding the jurisdiction.


The  conventional  law   as   like   Indian   Penal   Code   and   the   procedural   law that  Code  of  Criminal  Procedure  has   provide   provisions   regarding   the territorial   and   extra territorial   jurisdiction,   but   the   basic    nature    of    the cyber  crime  somewhere  require  something  more  than  the  provided   rules therefore some reformations are   required.   If we   see   the   decided   cases   on the cyber crime, we can find that whenever the provision of Information Technology Act, is attracted  then  along  with  that  certain  provisions  of conventional  criminal  law,   that   is   the   Indian   Penal   Code   is   also   attracted so it  shows  that  the  cyber  crime  is  nothing  but  the  expansion  of  the conventional law.

6.1 Court’s   Jurisdiction   in   Internet   Disputes



Jurisdiction  is  one  of   the   debatable   issues   in   the   case   of  cyber   crime   due to the universal nature of the cyber crime.  The  problem  of  jurisdiction   is not  only  concern  in investigation  process  but   may   arise   in   the   trial proceeding  also.  With  the  ever-growing  arm   of   the   cyber   space,   the territorial  concept  seems  to  vanish.   New   Methods   of   dispute   resolution should  give  way  to  the  conventional  methods.  Thus,  the   Information Technology Act, 2000 is silent on these issues.



Cyber  Crime  cannot   be   territorial   but   global   because   internet   is   network of  networks  as  we  have  seen  earlier.  It  has  wide  range   of   functioning; limiting  it  to  physical  boundaries  is   not   possible.   Thus   even   in  case   of cyber crime their might be a possibility  where  extra  territorial  jurisdiction arises.


Jurisdiction  plays   a   vital   role   for   undertaking   a   successful   criminal procedure. Dealing with the  issue  of  cyber  crime   it   has   been   noted   that even   when   investigating  officer   succeeds   in   establishing    geographical identity  of  an  accused  of  cyber  crime,  officer  has  to  face  many  other difficulties in pursuing his investigation, such as an accused may fall


beyond  the  jurisdictional  powers  of  criminal  justice  system.   In   the   cyber world   where   speed   is   an    essence,   any   attempt   to   acquire   such    consent of courts or cooperation will thwart any  chance  of  identifying  the   culprits and collecting evidence of the crime.




The  Doctrine  of  ubiquity  aims  determining   the   place   of   commission. According  to  this  doctrine,  the  offence  will  considered   to   have   been committed in its entirety within a  country’s  jurisdiction,  if  one  of  the constituent  elements  of   the   offence   or  the   ultimate   result   occurred   within the  country’s  territorial  limit.   Common Law   countries   also   use   effects doctrine  in  addition  to  focusing  on  the  physical  act.  The   doctrine   locates crime   in   the   territory   where   it   intended   to   commit   or   actually    took place.  Territoriality  might  grant   jurisdiction   to   many   countries   in   single cyber crime.


Though  S.  75  provides  for  extra-territorial  operations   of   this   law,   but they  could  be  meaningful  only  when  backed   with   provisions   recognizing orders  and  warrants  for  Information  issued  by  competent  authorities  outside their  jurisdiction  and   measure   for   cooperation‘s   for   exchange   of   material and evidence of computer crimes between law enforcement agencies.



As  we  are  known  that  internet   is   network   of   networks,   and   thus   in   the field  of cyber   space   no   activity   is   subject   to   any   one   particular jurisdiction. In such cases, territorial borders have no relevancy.



The  current   litigation   system   of   India   is   not   only   antique   in   nature   but has  become  cumbersome   and   time   consuming   as   well.   The   backlog   of cases is increasing day by day affecting the  outcome  of   various   cases. There   is   an   emergent   need    of    judicial   and   legal   reforms   in   India   so that courts in India can meet the expectations ofithe 21st Century. This


can done only by maintaining a stance that preserves  the  courts reputation and supports the courts critical role in maintaining public  confidence  in  the protection  afforded  to  them  by   the   law.   The   Indian   conventional   laws   are yet  not  suitable   to   deal   with   the   correct   issues,   the   laws   regarding   to cyber   law   and   Information   Technology   sector    are    far    away    from    the real   need.   The   Indian   system   already   facing   the   problem   of    low conviction rate in the all criminal matters, and the cyber crime  and  new technology has created the much hurdles in the said aspect.





Indian  Penal  Code  is   universal   criminal   law   of   Indian   legal   system. However, it amended time to time,   however   its   implementation   is   also not  satisfactory  in  the  view  of   people.   The   public   confidence   in   the Criminal   Justice   System   of   India   is   declining   and   the   same   has   forced the   Government   of   India   to   bring   this   issue   write   back   to   the   top   of the   political   agenda.   Its   aim   is   to   cut   crimes   by   increasing   the   number of  criminals  brought  to  trial  and  reducing  the   time   taken   to  complete  the legal process.  Apart  from  that,  the  trial  brings   before   the   court,   the appropriate  appreciations  of  evidences  and  the   conviction   on   that   matter. Mere  proper  investigation   is   not   sufficient   but   the   proper   appreciations of  the  evidences  by  the  court  is  also  necessary  for  the  effective  criminal justices system.



The   Indian   Legal     system    passed   the   Information   Technology  Act       in    2000, the Act       as                       contended      previously      is    enacted     for     the     regulation     of     e- commerce.                 However     having    certain      penal            provision      but     they     are     not sufficient to curtail the offences   takes place    by            using   computer   as   a                  tool

or  target.   The   various   judgments   of   the   Honorable


High   Courts   and   the   Hon’ble   Supreme    Court   are   prima   facie   based   on the provisions of the traditional criminal law, i.e. Indian Penal Code.



These  are  various  landmark  cases,  in  which   the   issues   are   regarding   the crime, which are subject to  the  use  of  computer  or  internet,  though  the offences are registered in different sections  of  the   Information   technology, and then it is subjected to the conventional criminal  laws  also,  i.e.  Indian Penal Code. The Judgments shows the effectiveness of  the  conventional criminal   laws   in   the   informational   technology.   Only   the   amendments    in the   procedural   laws   are   necessary   for   the   effective   prevention   of    the cyber laws.


  1. Anvar P.V.  vs.  P.K.  Basheer  and  others




In   this   significant   judgment,   the   Supreme   Court   has   settled    the controversies arising from the various conflicting  judgments  as  well  as  the practices being followed in the   various   High   Courts   and   the   Trial   Courts as  to  the  admissibility  of   the   Electronic   Evidences.   The   Court   has interpreted  the  Section  22A,   45A,   59,   65A   &   65B  of   the   Evidence   Act and  held  that  secondary  data  in   CD/DVD/Pen   Drive   are   not admissible without   a   certificate   U/s   65   B(4)   of   Evidence   Act.   It    has    been elucidated  that  electronic  evidence  without  certificate  U/s  65B   cannot   be proved by oral evidence and the opinion of  the  expert   U/s   45A   Evidence Act cannot be resorted to make such electronic evidence admissible.



The judgment would have serious implications in  all  the  cases  where  the prosecution relies on the electronic data and particularly in the  cases  of anticorruption  where   the   reliance   being   placed   on   the   audio-video recordings,  which  are  being  forwarded  in   the   form   of   CD/DVD   to   the Court. In all such cases, where the CD/DVD are being forwarded without


a  certificate  U/s   65B   Evidence   Act,   such   CD/DVD   are   not   admissible in  evidence  and  further  expert  opinion  as  to  their  genuineness  cannot   be looked   into   by   the   Court   as   evident   from   the   Supreme   Court   Judgment. It  was  further  observed  that   all   these   safeguards   are   taken   to   ensure the  source  and  authenticity,  which  are  the  two  hallmarks  pertaining   to electronic records sought to be used as evidence.  Electronic  records  being more susceptible to tampering, alteration, transposition,  excision,  etc.  without such  safeguards,  the  whole  trial   based   on   proof   ofielectronic   records   can lead to travesty of justice.


In   the   anticorruption   cases   launched   by   the    CBI    and anticorruption/Vigilance agencies  of  the  State,  even   the   original   recording which are recorded either in Digital Voice  Recorders/mobile  phones  are   not been  preserved  and  thus,  once  the  original  recording   is   destroyed,   there cannot  be  any   question   of   issuing   the   certificate   under   Section   65B(4) of   the   Evidence   Act.   Therefore   in   such   cases,    neither    CD/DVD containing  such  recordings  are  admissible  and  cannot  be   exhibited   into evidence nor the oral testimony or expert  opinion   is   admissible   and   as such,   the   recording/data    in    the   CD/DVD’s   cannot   become   a   sole   basis for the conviction.



In  the  aforesaid  Judgment,  the  Court  has  held  that  Section   65B   of   the Evidence Act being a ‘not  obstante  clause’    would   override   the   general law   on   secondary   evidence  under  Section  63  and  65  of  the  Evidence  Act. The Section 63 and Section 65 of the Evidence   Act   have   no   application to  the  secondary  evidence  of  the  electronic  evidence  and   same   shall   be wholly   governed   by   the   Section   65A   and    65B    of   the    Evidence   Act. The Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court  overruled  the  judgment laid down  in  the  State  (NCT  of  Delhi)   v.   Navjot   Sandhu   alias   Afsan Guru[(2005)   11 SCC   600   by   the   two   judge   Bench    of    the    Supreme Court. The  court  specifically  observed  that  the  Judgment  of  Navjot  Sandhu supra, to the extent, the statement of the law on admissibility of electronic


evidence  pertaining  to  electronic  record  of  this  Court,  does  not  lay  down correct position and required to be overruled.



The  only   options   to   prove   the   electronic   record/evidence   is   by   producing the  original   electronic   media   as   Primary   Evidence   in   court   or   it’s   copy by  way  of   secondary   evidence   U/s   65A/65B   of   Evidence   Act.   Thus,   in the  case   of   CD,   DVD,   Memory  Card   etc.  containing  secondary   evidence, the same shall be accompanied by the  certificate  in  terms  of  Section  65B obtained   at   the   time   of   taking   the   document,   without   which,   the secondary evidence pertaining to that electronic record, is inadmissible.

This  case  is  important,   which   discuss   in   detail   the   admissibility   of   the digital   evidence.   The   provisions   regarding   the   digital   evidence    are discussed however, this judgment deals with the digital evidence and  the admissibility of the digital evidence.

  1. State of  Tamil  Nadu  vs.  Suhas  Kutti,



It   was   the   first   conviction   case   under   the   Information   technology   Act, 2000. Indian  court  firstly  convicted  for  the  offence  of  cyber  crime.  The judgment  was  pronounced  in  the  year  2004,   within   the   seven   month after   filling   the   FIR,   which   brings   the   conviction   for   the   cyber   crime. The  Honorable  Judge  of  the  Additional  Chief  Metropolitan  Magistrate  has passed  the  order  of  conviction.   In   this   case,   the   victim   was   a   divorcee who   constantly   harassed   by   annoying   phone   calls   presuming   that   she would   solicit   them   because   of   a   massage   posted   on    yahoo    message group followed by forwarding emails. The massage was extremely obscene, defamatory and annoying. The accuse turn out to be her  family  friend  and interesting in marrying her.

The  accused   held   guilty   of   offences   under   Section   469,   509   IPC   and   67 of IT Act 2000. The accused had convicted and  sentenced  for  the  offence to  undergo  RI  for 2  years.  Under  section  469  IPC   to   pay   fine   of Rs.500/-and, for the offence u/s 509 IPC sentenced to undergo 1 year


Simple   imprisonment   and   to   pay   fine   of   Rs.500/-,   and   for   the   offence u/s   67   of   IT   Act   2000   to   undergo   rigorous   imprisonment   for   2   years and to pay fine of Rs.4000/- All sentences to run concurrently.


In  the   investigation   of   this   offence,   it   is   found   that   the   main   reason behind  the act   of   accuse   is   to   defame   the   reputation   of   the   victim, therefore   he   use   the   way   of   internet   and   yahoo   message.   Due   to   this only   the   Information   Technology   Act   is   attracted,   but   this   Act   cannot cover   the   act   intending   of   insulting   the   modesty   of   woman,   and defamation therefore the Indian Penal Code is attracted.  The  investigation machineries  use  the  information  technology,   where   it   found   that   accuse created  user  id  in  the  name  of  her  and  composed  an   obscene   message intending   that   such   document   shall   be   used   for   posting   in    different obscene Yahoo Group,  with   the intention   to   make   others   to   believe   that the  document  was  made  by  her,  so  that   the   persons  seeing  the  obscene message would send offending calls to  her,   in   harming   her reputation   and by  insulting  her  modesty  by  the  words  exhibited  in   the  email  and  in   the course   of   same   transaction.   The   agency   used   to   find   out    the    I    P address in the said offences, which helps to trace the real accuse.



The Defense argued that  the  offending  mails  would  have  been  given  either by ex-husband of the complainant or the  complainant   herself   to   implicate the accused as accused alleged to have turned down the request  of  the complainant  to   marry   her.   Further   the   Defense   counsel   argued   that   some of   the   documentary   evidence   was   not   sustainable  under  Section   65  B   of the  Indian  Evidence  Act.   However,   the   court   relied upon   the   expert witnesses  and  other   evidence   produced   before   it,   including   the   witnesses of  the  Cyber  Cafe  owners  and  came   to   the   conclusion   that   the   crime proved beyond reasonable doubt. Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, delivered the judgment on 5-11-04

This  is  the  first   conviction   under   the   IT   Act   2000   in   India,   the investigation is completed in minimum period means within seven month,


the   judgment   is   pronounce by   the   Additional   Chief   Metropolitan    of Egmore, in the year 2004. The  investigation and  the  trial  completed  in minimum period and the conviction given in the said matter.































  1. Bharat’s     Supreme     Court    on    Evidence     Act.    By    A.    S.    Arora.    Bharat Law House New Delhi, First Edition 2009.
  2. Child            in      Cyber      Space,      by      Ms      Barkha      B.      Asia      Law     Book, Hyderabad.                     New edition 2008
  3. Criminal  Justices  System        –     Dr. K.I  Vibhutes  (  Butterworth  )



  1. Criminal      Law:     cases     and     material–K.D.Gaur       (6th     2009     Butterworth


Wadhwa, Nagpur)


  1. Criminal  Procedure  Code  –  S.C.  Sarkar  (Indian   Law   House)  New   Delhi 8th edi 2004
  2. Criminal              Trial        and       Investigations        –       Malik’s        Sultan,       Prayag Publishing company, Allahabad ,   Edition 2013
  3. Cyber       law   and    crime    –   Barkha    U   Ram    Mohan    (Asia    Law    House) Hyd.


  1. Cyber      Crime       and      Legal       Issues-      Paul      T.      Augastine,       Crescent Publishing Corporation ,   First   publish  in 2007
  2. Cyber    crime              –Law      and      perspectives-       Dr.      Mrs.K.Sita      Manikyam (Hind      Law House)
  3. Cyber      Law     &     Cyber      Crimes:      Advocate,      Prashant      Mali      Reprint Education 2013,   Snow                     White
  4. Cyber        Law        Cyber        crime        Internet        And        E-commerce:         By Vimlendu     Tayal, Bharat Law Publication, Jaipur, 2011
  5. Cyber     Law     in     India     (Law     on     Internet)     By     Dr.     Farooq     Ahmed, New           Era      Law Publications Delhi, 2005, Pioneer Books.
  6. Cybercrime;     Talat    Fatima,    Eastern    Book    Company    Lucknow.



  1. E-Justices-       Practical Guide            for      the      Bench      and      Bar,      By      K. Pandurangan, Universal              Law  Publication,                  Edition 2009.
  2. Forensic     Science     in     Criminal      investigation      –     Manoobhai      G.     Amin &                Dr.      Jai Shankar Singh, Unique Law Publishers, Jodhpur, Edition 2009
  3. Forensic        Science        in       Criminal        Investigation        and       Trials        By B.R.Sharma, Universal            Law Publication, Fourth Edition, 2003.
  4. Guide to  Cyber  Law  –  Rodney  D.  Ryder



  1. Human Rights and Criminal Justices.  By  Pandit  Kamalakar,  Asia  Law House, Hyderabad,       First Edition, 2010


  1. Judicial  Jurisdiction  in  transnational  cyber  space  -           Bimal Raut.



  1. Law      relating       to      Electronic       Contracts:       By      P.K.      Singh,       Lesix Nexis,      Second Edition, 2016
  2. Law      of      Crimes       (Indian      Penal      Code,      1860)      S.R.Myneni,       Asia Law      House, Hyderabad First edition 2009.
  3. Malik’s,     Law    relating     to    Criminal     Trials.     Law    Publisher     (India)    Pvt. Ltd.            3rd Edition, 2004.
  4. Police      Diary     –     Mitter’s      ,     Law     Publisher      India,     Allahabad,     11th Edition      2010


  1. PSA         Piliai’s         Criminal          Law        –          Dr.     K.I     Vibhute      (Tenth Edition      2008 Butterworth        Wadhwa, Nagpur)
  2. Social     Dimension Of        Law    &    Justices,     Julius     Stone,    Universal     Law Publishing Co.   New              Delhi, Edition (RP) 1999.
  3. Textbook     on,     The     Code     of     Criminal      Procedure        By     K.     D.Gaur, Universal Law Publication, First Edition, 2016, Gurgaon, India.
  4. The    code    of    Criminal     Procedure     –    Ratanlal       &    Dhirajlal,     (Wadhwa, Nagpur)


  1. The  Indian  Penal  Code  –  Ratanlal        & Dhirajlal  (Wadhwa,  Nagpur)



  1. The   Information   Technology   Act,   2000.   By   S.   D.   Dighe.    Edition 2003, Hind Law House, Pune.
  2. The  Law  of   Evidence   (As   amended   by   Criminal   Law   (Amendment) Act,  2013 by  M.P.  Prasad  and  Manish   Mohan,   LexisNexis,   Fifth   Edition, 2013 Gurgaon, India.





















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Registration ID: 10290 | Published Paper ID: 2890
Year : May -2024 | Volume: 2 | Issue: 16
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