LLB, LLM, MPhil, Peursuing PHD
is the age of Information Technology and its necessary to protect the nation’s
ideological sovereignty by understanding clearly the dynamics of cyber
terrorism and identifying ways and means to counter them.
the new age approaches ,we are living in the society which is totally dependent
on information technology and so are cyber terrorist .cyber terrorism involves
the use of information and communication technologies to perpetuate fear and
violence and unrest in society .
has reached to the success ladder when it is about cyber world, enormous growth
is been achieved in this field, but the mechanism to curb the crimes arising
out of it isn’t growing at that fast pace. There should be legal provisions to
provide assurance to users, empowerment to Law enforcement and Deterrence to
cyber criminals. Crime has no geographical boundaries when we talk about cybercrime
.for that our law should also be so stringent and strong.
recently many law enforcement agencies have lacked the usage of the tools to
tackle cybercrime ,cause there is no training provided to them as well as there
are many loose poles in our law ,which allow cyber criminals to take benefit of
them and spread disharmony in our nation .
cyber frauds are happening every now and then. Cyber terrorism occurs in the
form of any form of attack to individual or nation through unauthorised use of
computer resources example: hacking , threat made through electronic device etc
. Cyber Terrorism is covered Information Technology Act 2000 in section 66F.
Will discuss few important case laws illustrating cyber terrorism and
information technology.
in any field of human activity leads to crime that need mechanisms to control
it. Legal provisions should provide assurance to users, empowerment to law
enforcement agencies and deterrence to criminals. The law is as stringent as its
enforcement. Crime is no longer limited to space, time or a group of people.
space creates moral, civil and criminal wrongs. It has now given anew sway to
express criminal tendencies. Back in 1990, less than 100,000 people were able
to log on to the Internet worldwide. Now around 500 million people are hooked
up to surf the net around the globe.
recently, many information technology (IT) professionals lacked awareness of
and interest in the cybercrime phenomenon. In many cases, law enforcement
officers have lacked the tools needed to tackle the problem; old laws didn't quite
fit the crimes being committed, new laws hadn't quite caught up to the reality
of what was happening, and there were few court precedence to look to for
guidance. Furthermore, debates over privacy issues hampered the ability of enforcement
agents to gather the evidence needed to prosecute these new cases.
there was a certain amount of antipathy- or at the least, distrust-between the
two most important players in any effective fight against cybercrime: law
enforcement agencies and computer professionals. Yet close cooperation between
the two is crucial if we are to control the cybercrime problem and make the
Internet a safe "place" for its users.
enforcement personnel understand the criminal mindset and know the basics of
gathering evidence and bringing offenders to justice. IT personnel understand
computers and networks, how they work, and how to track down information on
them. Each has half of the key to defeating the cybercriminal.
professionals need good definitions of cybercrime in order to know when (and
what) to report to police, but law enforcement agencies must have statutory definitions
of specific crimes in order to charge a criminal with an offence. The first
step in specifically defining individual cybercrimes is to sort all the acts that
can be considered cybercrimes into organized categories.
United Nations'
Definition of Cybercrime
spans not only state but national boundaries as well. Perhaps we should look to
international organisations to provide a standard definition of the crime. At
the Tenth United Nations Congress on the Prevention of Crime and Treatment of
Offenders, in a workshop devoted to the issue of crimes related to computer
networks, cybercrime was broken into two categories and defined thus:
a) Cybercrime
in a narrow sense (computer crime): Any illegal behaviour directed by means of
electronic operations that targets the security of computer systems and the
data processed by them.
b) Cybercrime
in a broader sense (computer-related crime): any illegal behaviour committed by
mean of, or in relation to, a computer system or network, including such crimes
as illegal pro-session [and] offering or distributing by means of a computer system
or network.
course, these definitions are complicated by the fact that an act may be illegal
in one nation but not in another.
are more concrete examples, including
1. Unauthorised
2. Damage
to computer data or programs
3. Computer
4. Unauthorised
interception of communications
5. Computer
definitions, although not completely definitive, do give us a good starting point-
one that has some international recognition and agreement- for determining just
what we mean by the term cybercrime.
Indian law, cybercrime has to be voluntary and wilful, an act or omission that adversely
affects a person or property. The IT Act provides the backbone for e-commerce
and India's approach has been to look at –govern and the need to sensitise the
population to the possibilities of the information age.
is the need to take in to consideration the security aspects.
the present global situation where cyber control mechanisms are important we need
to push cyber laws. Cyber Crimes are a new class of crimes to India rapidly expanding
due to extensive use of internet. Getting the right lead and making the right
interpretation are very important in solving a cybercrime. The 7 stage continuum
of a criminal case starts from perpetration to registration to reporting,
investigation, prosecution, adjudication and execution. The system cannot be
stronger than the weakest link in the chain. In India, there are 30 million policemen
to train apart from 12,000 strong Judiciary. Police in India are trying to
become cybercrime savvy and hiring people who are trained in the area. Each police
station in Delhi will have a computer soon which will be connected to the Head
Quarter. The pace of the investigations however can be faster; judicial sensitivity
and knowledge need to improve. Focus needs to be on educating the police and
district judiciary. IT Institutions can also play a role in this area.
nuances are important in a spam infested environment where privacy can be
compromised and individuals can be subjected to become a victim unsuspectingly.
We need to sensitise our investigators and judges to the nuances of the system.
Most cyber criminals have a counter part in the real world.
loss of property or persons is caused the criminal is punishable under the IPC also.
Since the law enforcement agencies find it is easier to handle it under the
IPC. IT Act cases not getting reported and when reported are not necessarily
dealt with under the IT Act. a lengthy and intensive process of learning is
whole series of initiatives of cyber forensics were undertaken and cyber law procedures
resulted out of it. This is an area where learning takes place every day as we
are all beginners in this area. We are looking for solutions faster than the problems
can get invented. We need to move faster than the criminals.
real issue is how to prevent cybercrime. For this, there is need to raise the probability
of apprehension and conviction. India has a law on evidence that considers admissibility,
authenticity, accuracy, and completeness to convince the judiciary. The
challenge in cybercrime cases includes getting evidence that will stand
scrutiny in a foreign court.
this India needs total international cooperation with specialised agencies of different
countries. Police has to ensure that they have seized exactly what was there at
the scene of crime, is the same that has been analysed and the report presented
in court is based on this evidence. It has to maintain the chain of custody.
threat is not from the intelligence of criminals but from our ignorance and the
will to fight it. The law is stricter now on producing evidence especially
where electronic documents are concerned.
computer is the target and tool for the perpetration of crime. It is used for
the communication of the criminal activity such as the injection of a
virus/worm which can crash entire networks.
Information Technology (I) Act, 2000, specifies the act which have been made punishable.
Since the primary objective of this Act is to create an enabling environment
for commercial use of I.T., certain omissions and commissions of criminals
while using computers have not been included. With the legal recognition of
Electronic Records and the amendments made in the several sections of the IPC
vide IT Act, 2000, several offences having bearing on cyber-arena are also
registered under the appropriate sections of the IPC.
the year 2003, 60 cases were registered under IT Act as compared to 70 cases
during the previous year thereby reporting a decline of 14.3 percent in 2003 over
2002. Of the total 60 cases registered under IT Act 2000, around 33 percent (20
cases) relate to Obscene Publication/ Transmission in electronic form, normally
known as cases of cyber pornography. 17 persons were arrested for committing
such offences during 2003.
were 21 cases of Hacking of computer systems wherein 18 persons were arrested
in 2003. Of the total (21) Hacking cases, the cases relating to Loss/Damage of
computer resource/utility under Sec 66(1) of the IT Act were to the tune of 62
percent (13 cases) and that related to Hacking under Section 66(2) of IT Act
were 38 percent (8 cases)
2003, a total of 411 cases were registered under IPC Section as compared to 738
such cases during 2002 thereby reporting a significant decline of 44 percent in
2003 over 2002. Andhra Pradesh reported more than half of such cases (218) out
of 411) (53 percent). Of the 411 cases registered under IPC, majority of Forgery
(89) and Counterfeiting (53).
these offences fall under the traditional IPC crimes, the cases had the cyber tones
wherein computer, Internet or its related aspects were present in the crime and
hence they were categorised as Cyber Crimes under IPC.
2003, number of cases under Cyber Crimes relating to counterfeiting of currency/
Stamps stood at 53 wherein 118 persons were arrested during 2003. Of the 47,478
cases reported under Cheating, the Cyber Forgery (89) accounted for 0.2 per
cent. Of the total Criminal Breach of Trust cases (13,432), the Cyber frauds (269)
accounted for 2 percent. Of the Counterfeiting offences (2,055), Cyber Counterfeiting
(53) offences accounted for 2.6 percent.
total of 475 persons were arrested in the country for Cyber Crimes under IPC during
2003. Of these, 53.6 percent offenders (255) were taken into custody for offences
under Criminal Breach of Trust/Fraud (Cyber) and 21.4 percent (102) for offences
under 'Cyber Forgery'
age-wise profile of the arrested persons showed that 45 percent were in the age-group
of 30-40 years, 28.5 percent of the offenders were in the age-group of 45-60
years and 11 offender were aged 60 years and above. Gujarat reported 2 offenders
who were below 18 years of age.
gain (120) accounted for 60 percent of the total Cyber Crime motives reported
in the country. Greed/Money (15 cases) accounted for around 4 per cent.
Suspects including Neighbours/ Friends/ Relatives (91) Disgrunted employees
(11), Business Competitors (9), Crackers Students/ Professional learners (3).
is not on the decline. The latest statics show that cybercrime is actually on
the rise. However, it is true that in India, cybercrime is not reported too much
about. Consequently there is a false sense of complacency that cybercrime does
not exist and that society is safe from cybercrime. This is not the correct picture.
The fact is that people in our country do not report cybercrimes for many reasons.
Many do not want to face harassment by the police. There is also the fear of bad
publicity in the media, which could hurt their reputation and standing in society.
Also, it becomes extremely difficult to convince the police to register any cybercrime,
because of lack of orientation and awareness about cybercrimes and their
registration and handling by the police.
recent survey indicates that for every 500 cybercrime incidents that take
place, only 50 are reported to the police out of that only one is actually
registered. These figures indicate how difficult is is to convince the police
to register a cybercrime.
establishment of cybercrime cells in different parts parts of the country was expected
to boost cybercrime reporting and prosecution. However, these cells haven't quite
kept up with expectations. Netizens should not be under the impression that
cybercrime is vanishing and they must realise that with each passing day,
cyberspace becomes a more dangerous place to be in, where criminals roam freely
to execute their criminals intentions encouraged by the so-called anonymity
that internet provides.
absolutely poor rate of cybercrime conviction in the country has also not
helped the cause of regulating cybercrime. There has only been few cybercrime
convictions in the whole country, which can be counted on fingers. We need to
ensure that we have specialised procedures for prosecution of cybercrime cases
so as to tackle them on a priority basis. This is necessary so as to win the
faith of the people in the ability of the system to tackle cybercrime. We must
ensure that our system provides for stringent punishment of cybercrimes and
cyber criminals so that the same acts as a deterrent for others.
has the largest number of infected computers in the world followed by the US and
China. Financial attacks are 16 events per 1000, the highest among all kinds of
attacks. The US is the leading source country for attacks but this has
declined. China is second and Germany is third. It is hard to determine where
the attack came from congenially.
number of viruses and worm variants rose sharply to 7,360 that is 64% increase
over the previous reporting period and a 332% increase over the previous year.
There are 17,500 variants of Win.32 viruses. Threats to confidential information
are on the rise with 54% of the top 50 reporting malicious code with the
potential to expose such information. Phishing messages grew to 4.5 million from
1 million between July and December 2004.
Some Indian Case
Citibank MphasiS Call Center Fraud
$ 3,50,000 from accounts of four US customers were dishonestly transferred to
bogus accounts. This will give a lot of ammunition to those lobbying against outsourcing
in US. Such cases happen all over the world but when it happens in India it is
a serious matter and we can not ignore it. It is a case of sourcing engineering.
Some employees gained the confidence of the customer and obtained their PIN
numbers to commit fraud. They got these under the guise of helping the customers
out of difficult situations. Highest security prevails in the call centers
India as they know that they will lose their business. There was not as much of
breach of security but of sourcing engineering.
call center employees are checked when they go in and out so they cannot copy
down numbers and therefore they could not have noted these down. They must have
remembered these numbers, gone out immediately to a cyber cafe and accessed the
Citibank accounts of the customers.
accounts were opened in Pune and the customers complained that the money from
their accounts was transferred to pune accounts and that's how the criminals were
traced. Police has been able to prove the honesty of the call center and has frozen
the accounts where the money was transferred.
is need for a strict background check of the call center executives. However, best
of background checks cannot eliminate the bad elements from coming in and breaching
security. The must still ensure such checks when a person is hired. There is need
for a national ID and a national data base where a name can be referred to. In this
case CEO of was arrested in December 2004 because a CD with objectionable
material was being sold on the website. The CD was also being sold in the
markets in Delhi. The Mumbai city police and the Delhi Police got into action.
The CEO was later released on bail. This opened up the question as to what kind
of distinction do we draw between Internet Service Provider and Content Provider.
The burden rests on the accused that he was the Service Provider and not the Content
Provider. It also raises a lot of issues regarding how the police should handle
the cybercrime cases and a lot of education is required.
of Tamil Nadu Vs Suhas Katti
Case of Suhas Katti is notable for the fact that the conviction was achieved successfully
within a relatively quick time of 7 months from the filing of the FIR.
that similar cases have been pending in other states for a much longer time,
the efficient handling of the case which happened to be the first case of the Chennai
Cyber Crime Cell going to trial deserves a special mention.
case related to posting of obscene. defamatory and annoying message about a
divorcee woman in the yahoo message group. E-Mails were also forwarded to the
victim for information by the accused through a false e-mail account opened by him
in the name of the victim. The posting of the message resulted in annoying phone
calls to the lady in the brief that she was soliciting.
on a complaint made by the victim in February 2004, the Police traced the accused
to Mumbai and arrested him within the next few days. The accused was a known
family friend of the victim and was reportedly interested in marrying her.
however married another person. This marriage later ended in divorce and the accused
started contacting her once again. On her reluctance to marry him, the accused
took up the harassment through the Internet.
24-3-2004 Charge Sheet was filed u/s 67 of IT Act 2000, 469 and 509 IPC before
The Hon'ble Addl. CMM Egmore by citing 18 witnesses and 34 documents and
material objects. The same was taken on file in C.C. No. 4680/2004. On the prosecution
side 12 witnesses were examined and entire documents were marked as Exhibits.
Defence argued that the offending mails would have been given either by ex-husband
of the complainant or the complainant her self to implicate the accused as
accused alleged to have turned down the request of the complainant to marry
the Defence counsel argued that some of the documentary evidence was not
sustainable under Section 65 B of the Indian Evidence Act. However, the court relied
upon the export witnesses and other evidence produced before it, including the
witnesses of the Cyber Cafe owners and came to the conclusion that the crime was
conclusively proved.
Additional Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Egmore, delivered the judgement on
5-11-04 as follows:
accused it found guilty of offences under section 469, 509 IPC and 67 of IT Act
2000 and the accused is convicted and is sentenced for the offence to undergo
RI for 2 years unde 469 IPC and to pay fine of Rs. 500/- and for the offence
u/s 509 IPC sentenced to undergo 1 year Simple imprisonment and to pay fine of
Rs. 500/- and for the offence u/s 67 of IT Act 2000 to undergo RI for 2 years
and to pay fine of Rs. 4000/- All sentences to run concurrently."
accused paid fine amount and he was lodged at Central Prison, Chennai. this is considered
as the first case convicted under section 67 of Information Technology Act 2000
in India.
Bank NSP Case
Bank NSP case is the one where a management trainee of the bank was engaged to
be married. The couple exchanged many emails using the company computers.
some time the two broke up and the girl created fraudulent email ids such as "indian
bar associations" and sent emails to the boy's foreign clients. She used
the bank computer to do this. The boy's company lost a large number of clients
and took the bank to court. The bank was held liable for the emails sent using
the bank's system.
Pneumatics (India) Pvt. Ltd. v. Jogesh Kwatra
India's first case of cyber defamation, a Court of Delhi assumed jurisdiction over
a matter where a corporate's reputation was being defamed through emails and passed
an important ex-parte injunction.
this case, the defence Jogesh Kwatra being an employ of the plaintiff company started
sending derogatory, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, filthy and abusive email to
his employers as also to different subsidiaries of the said company all over
the world with the aim to defame the company and its Managing Director Mr. R K Malhotra.
The plaintiff filed a suit for permanent injuction restraining the defendant
from doing his illegal acts of sending derogatory emails to the plaintiff.
behalf of the plaintiffs it was contended that the emails sent by the defendant
were distinctly obscene, vulgar, abusive, intimidating, humiliating and
defamatory in nature. Counsel further argued that the aim of sending the said
emails was to malign the high reputation of the plaintiffs all over India and
the world. He further contended that the acts of the defendant in sending the
emails had resulted in invasion of legal rights of the plaintiffs. Further the
defendant is under a duty not to send the aforesaid emails. It is pertinent to
note that after the plaintiff company discovered the said employ could be
indulging in the matter of sending abusive emails, the plaintiff terminated the
services of the defendant.
hearing detailed arguments of Counsel for Plaintiff, Hon'ble Judge of the Delhi
High Court passed an ex-parte ad interim injunction observing that a pria face
case had been made out by the plaintiff. Consequently, the Delhi High Court restrained
the defendant from sending derogatory, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, humiliating
and abusive emails either to the plaintiffs or to its sister subsidiaries all
over the world including their Managing Directors and their Sales and Marketing
departments. Further, Hon'ble Judge also restrained the defendant from publishing,
transmitting or causing to be published any information in the actual world as
also in cyberspace which is derogatory or defamatory or abusive of the plaintiffs.
order of Delhi High Court assumes tremendous significance as this is for the first
time that an Indian Court assumes jurisdiction in a matter concerning cyber defamation
and grants an ex-parte injuction restraining the defendant from defaming the
plaintiffs by sending derogatory, defamatory, abusive and obscene emails either
to the plaintiffs or their subsidiaries.
of Police Research and Development at Hyderabad had handled some of the top
cyber cases, including analysing and retrieving information from the laptop recovered
from terrorist, who attacked Parliament. The laptop which was seized from the
two terrorists, who were gunned down when Parliament was under siege on
December 13, 2001, was sent to Computer Forensics Division of BPRD after computer
experts at Delhi failed to trace much out of its contents.
laptop contained several evidences that confirmed of the two terrorists' motives,
namely the sticker of the Ministry of Home that they had made on the laptop
pasted on their ambassador car to gain entry into Parliament House and the fake
ID card that one of the two terrorists was carrying with a Government of India emblem
and seal.
emblems (of the three lions) were carefully scanned and the seal was also craftily
made along with residential address of Jammu and Kashmir. But careful detection
proved that it was all forged and made on the laptop.
Pradesh Tax Case
tactics of a prominent business from Andra Pradesh was exposed after officials
of the department got hold of computers used by the accused person.
owner of a plastics firm was arrested and Rs. 22 crore cash was recovered from his
house by sleuths of the Vigilance Department. They sought an explanation from him
regarding the unaccounted cash within 10 days.
accused person submitted 6,000 vouchers to prove the legitimacy of trade and thought
his offence would go undetected but after careful scrutiny of vouchers and contents
of his computers it revealed that all of them were made after the raids were
later revealed that the accused was running five businesses under the guise of
one company and used fake and computerised vouchers to show sales records and
save tax.
saw its first cybercrime conviction recently. It all began after a complaint
was filed by Sony India Private Ltd, which runs a website called, targeting Non
Resident Indians. The website enables NRIs to send Sony products to their
friends and relatives in India after they pay for it online.
company undertakes to deliver the products to the concerned recipients. In May
2002, someone logged onto the website under the identity of Barbara Campa and
ordered a Sony Colour Television set and a cordless head phone.
gave her credit card number for payment and requested that the products be delivered
to Arif Azim in Noida. The payment was duly cleared by the credit card agency
and the transaction processed. After following the relevant procedures of due
diligence and checking, the company delivered the items to Arif Azim.
the time of delivery, the company took digital photographs showing the delivery
being accepted by Arif Azim.
transaction closed at that, but after one and the half months the credit card agency
informed the company that this was an unauthorised transaction as the real owner
had denied having made the purchase.
company lodged a complaint for online cheating at the Central Bureau of Investigation
which registered a case under section 418, 419 and 420 of the Indian Penal
CBI recovered the colour television and the cordless head phone.
this matter, the CBI had evidence to prove their case and so the accused
admitted his guilt. The court convicted Arif Azim under Section 418, 419 and
420 of the Indian Penal Code- this being the first time that a cybercrime has
been convicted.
court, however, felt that as the accused was a young boy of 24 years and the first-time
convict, a lenient view needed to be taken. The court therefore released the
accused on probation for one year.
judgement is of immense significance for the entire nation. Besides being the first
conviction in a cybercrime matter, it has shown that the Indian Penal Code can be
effectively applied to certain categories of cyber crimes which are not covered
under the Information Technology Act 2000. Secondly, a judgement of this sort sends
out a clear message to all that the law cannot be taken for a ride.
vs. Ajay Sood & Others
a landmark judgement in the case of National Association of Software and Service
Companies vs Ajay Sood & Others, delivered in March, '05, the Delhi High Court
declared 'phishing' on the internet to be an illegal act, entailing an
injuction and recovery of damages.
on the concept of 'phishing', in order to lay down a precedent in India, the
court stated that it is a form of internet fraud where a person pretends to be
a legitimate association, such as a bank or an insurance company in order to
extract personal data from a customer such as access codes, passwords, etc.
Personal data so collected by misrepresenting the identity of the legitimate
party is commonly used for the collected party's advantage. court also stated,
by way of an example, that typical phishing scams involve persons who pretend
to represent online banks and siphon cash from e-banking accounts after conning
consumers into handling over confidential banking details.
Delhi HC stated that even though there is no specific legislation in India to penalise
phishing, it held phishing to be an illegal act by defining it under Indian law
as "a misrepresentation made in the course of trade leading to confusion
as to the source and origin of the e-mail causing immense harm not only to the
consumer but even to the person whose name, identity or password is
misused." The court held the act of phishing as passing off and tarnishing
the plaintiff's image.
plaintiff in this case was the National Association of Software and service Companies
(Nasscom), India's premier software association.
defendants were operating a placement agency involved in head-hunting and recruitment.
In order to obtain personal data, which they could use for purposes of head-hunting,
the defendants composed and sent e-mails to third parties in the name of
Nasscom. The high court recognised the trademark rights of the plaintiff and passed
an ex-parte adinterim injunction restraining the defendants from using the trade
name or any other name deceptively similar to Nasscom. The court further restrained
the defendants from holding themselves out as being associates or a part of
court appointed a commission to conduct a search at the defendant's premises.
hard disks of the computers from which the fraudulent e-mails were sent by the
defendants to various parties were taken into custody by the local commissioner
appointed by the court. The offending e-mails were then downloaded from the
hard disks and presented as evidence in court.
the progress of the case, it became clear that the defendants in the whose names
the offending e-mails were sent were fictitious identities created by an employee
on defendants' instructions, to avoid recognition and legal action. On discovery
of this fraudulent act, the fictitious names were deleted from the array of parties
as defendants in the case. Subsequently, the defendants admitted their illegal
acts and the parties settled the matter through the recording of a compromise
in the suit proceedings. According to the terms of compromise, the defendants
agreed to pay a sum of Rs. 1.6 million to the plaintiff as damages for violation
of the plaintiff's trademark rights. the court also ordered the hard disks seized
from the defendants' premises to be handed over to the plaintiff who would be
the owner of the hard disks.
case achieves clear milestones: It brings the act of "phishing" into
the ambit of Indian laws even in the absence of specific legislation; It clears
the misconception that there is no "damages culture" in India for
violation-of IP rights; This case reaffirms IP owners' faith in the Indian
judicial system's ability and willingness to protect intangible property rights
and send a strong message to IP owners that they can do business in India
without sacrificing their IP rights.
e-Search BPO Case
Gurgaon BPO fraud has created an embarrassing situation for Infinity e-Search, the
company in which Mr Karan Bahree was employed.
British newspaper had reported that one of its undercover reporters had purchased
personal information of 1,000 British customers from an Indian call-center
employee. However, the employee of Infinity e-Search, a New Delhi-based web
designing company, who was reportedly involved in the case has denied any
wrongdoing. The company has also said that it had nothing to do with the incident.
the instant case the journalist used an intermediary, offered a job, requested
for a presentation on a CD and later claimed that the CD contained some
confidential data. The fact that the CD contained such data is itself not
substantiated by the journalist.
this sort of a situation we can only say that the journalist has used
"Bribery" to induce a "Out of normal behaviour" of an
employee. This is not observation of a fact but creating a factual incident by
intervention. Investigation is still on in this matter.
Pooja Saxena